Our Lady of Fatima revealed the remedy for the salvation of the world 

Today we want to talk to you about the prophetic message left by Our Lady of Fatima in Saint Lucia, a message asking to pray, because prayer was and remains the most powerful tool to draw from the source of God and get closer to him.


The message was revealed at nun Lucy, at the time a young eight-year-old shepherdess, during a series of visions she had with her two cousinsthe Jacinta and Francisco in 1917.

The Message of Fatima, composed by three parts was predicted by the three children as a series of unfortunate prophecies for mankind if no corrections were made. There first part of the message was about the existence of Hell and how one could avoid going there. There second part of the prophetic message of Fatima concerned the future of the Catholic Church and the world at large. There Part Three of the message, however it was only revealed to Sister Lucia in 1944, at the age of 37, and has been described as the most terrible of all.

Il July 13 1917, during the third apparition, Our Lady of Fatima revealed the famous third secret and indicated the remedies given to humanity to condition the dramatic events foretold. Among them, there was precisely the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays of the month.


The communion of reparation of the first 5 Saturdays of the month

Our Lady's request is based on the awareness that humanity needs a sincere one conversion to the God of love and of reconciliation with him. Prayer and penance are the tools with which this conversion can be accomplished and eternal salvation can be achieved.

Prayer in the former five Saturdays of the month it must be done following a specific prayer. Our Lady asks that a Rosary, which also includes meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary; you participate in Mass and do it there holy communion, as a sign of profound communion with God; remain silent, to reflect and pray before the Blessed Sacramentpresent in the Eucharist.

La penanceon the contrary, it requires a personal offering from each believer. Our Lady asks to pray and do penance for the forgiveness of sins, not only one's own, but also those of those who do not know God or do not love him, so that, through God's grace, they may be touched by his love.