Our Lady of Medjugorje completely healed me!

Our Lady of Medjugorje completely healed me!

In Sardinia the miracle is shouted. A long healing prayer that lasted for a few hours, in front of the image of Mary, with some stones of the Mount of the Apparitions resting on the legs: the parish priest did not hesitate to speak of a true miracle, while Antonio P., the 32 year old ex-electrical engineer from Arzana (Nuoro) healed tells: "I had a tumor in the head, a glioma specify the doctors, and until Sunday evening January 7th I was reduced to a vegetable. Four years from hospital to hospital to get me in a wheelchair: all the treatments and drugs hadn't helped. For several months I hadn't even been able to speak.

After the parish priest's prayers I felt an intense heat that gave me strength, I started to move my arms, to regain my voice. After leaving the wheelchair, after many years I ate at the table without needing to be fed. Doctors are surprised at the incredible recovery. The bishop Msgr. Antioco Piseddu thanks the Lord for the good news, but advises to wait still longer, while the family are preparing to go all to Medjugorje to thank the Queen of Peace.
(From the newspapers of 9 January 90)

On healing we must consider the figure of the pastor, Don Vincenzo Pirarba, parish priest of Arzana, a man in his forties, just back from Medjugorje, where he had had an electrocution of grace, which he then transfused into the healing prayer, which is the prerogative of every priest, according to the mandate of Jesus: "... pray on him, after having anointed him with oil ... and the prayer made with faith will save the sick person, the Lord will raise him up ..." (Jas 5,14:XNUMX).

The town of Ogliastra is also known for feuds and organized crime: four pastors killed in recent months, empty church, now full of people hit by the sign.

Reached by phone, d. Vincenzo told A. Bonifacio these details: “When I entered the house on Sunday evening I started to pray before the image of the Madonna. As I said Fr Tardiff's prayer for healing, I felt the certainty in me that Antonio would be healed.

I saw that during the prayer, at a certain point, Antonio no longer followed me but he was as absent, fixed on that image, as in ecstasy and then I understood that he was talking to the Madonna. "Now you have to talk," I said. "You have to talk, you have to say 'the Madonna'!" And finally that managed to say it.

"And now get up and walk!" "But this is what the Gospel says!" "Of course!" Antonio first felt his hands revive, then his legs, then he left the wheelchair where he had been relegated for years.

"What did Our Lady say to you?" I asked him. “He told me to go here (and he marked the church that was on the image), then that we have to pray a lot and that he would heal me slowly. In fact, that same evening he got up, walked, - which was amazing because I hadn't moved for 5 years; that night I ate alone! But now I understand that "slowly" because every day I feel more and more secure - ".

Source: Echo of Medjugorje 70