Our Lady of Medjugorje: there is no peace, children, where we do not pray

"Dear children! Today I invite you to live peace in your hearts and in your families, but there is no peace, children, where one does not pray and there is no love, there is no faith. Therefore, children, I invite you all to decide yourselves again today for conversion. I am close to you and I invite you all to come, children, in my arms to help you, but you do not want and so Satan tempts you; even in the smallest things, your faith fails; therefore, little children, pray and through prayer you will have blessing and peace. Thanks for answering my call. "
March 25, 1995

Live peace in your hearts and in your families

Peace is surely the greatest desire of every heart and every family. Yet we see that more and more families are in adversity and therefore are being destroyed, because they lack peace. Mary as mother explained to us how to live in peace. First, in prayer, we must draw close to God, who gives us peace; then, we open our hearts to Jesus like a flower in the sun; therefore, we open ourselves to him in the truth of confession so that he becomes our peace. In this month's message, Maria repeats that ...

There is no peace, children, where one does not pray

And this is because only God has the only true peace. He awaits us and wishes to give us the gift of peace. But in order for peace to be preserved, our hearts must remain pure to truly open up to Him, and at the same time, we must resist every temptation in the world. Very often, however, we think that the things of the world can give us peace. But Jesus said very clearly: "I give you my peace, because the world cannot give you peace". There is a fact that we should reflect on, namely the reason why the world does not accept prayer more forcefully as a path of peace. When God through Mary tells us that prayer is the only way to obtain and maintain peace, we should all take these words seriously. We must think with gratitude to Mary's presence among us, to her teachings and to the fact that she has already moved the hearts of many people to prayer. We must be very grateful for the hundreds of thousands of people who are praying and following Mary's intentions in the silence of their hearts. We are grateful for the many prayer groups who meet tirelessly week after week, month after month and who come together to pray for peace.

There is no love

Love is also a condition for peace and where there is no love there can be no peace. We have all proven that if we don't feel loved by someone we cannot be at peace with him. We cannot eat and drink with that person because we only feel tension and conflict. So love must be where we want peace to come. We still have the opportunity to make ourselves loved by God and to have peace with him and from that love we can draw the strength to love others and therefore to live in peace with them. If we look back on the Pope's letter of 8 December 1994, in which he invites women above all to become teachers of peace, we have found a way to understand that God loves us and to draw the strength to teach peace to others. And this must be done primarily with children in families. In this way we will be able to triumph over destruction and all the evil spirits of the world.

There is no faith

Having faith, another condition of love, means giving your heart, giving the gift of your heart. Only with love can the heart be given.

In many messages Our Lady tells us to open our hearts to God and to reserve him the first place in our life. God, who is love and peace, joy and life, wants to serve our lives. Trusting him and finding peace in him means having faith. Having faith also means being firm and man and his spirit cannot be firm except in God, because God created us for Himself

We cannot find trust and love as long as we do not totally rely on Him. Having faith means letting Him speak and guide us. And so, through trust in God and contact with him, we will feel love and thanks to this love we will be able to be at peace with those around us. And Maria repeats it to us once again ...

I invite you all to decide again today for the conversion

Mary opens her heart to God's plan by saying "yes" to him. Converting not only means freeing oneself from sin, but also remaining always firm in the Lord, opening oneself ever more to him and persisting in doing his will. These were the conditions under which God could become man in the heart of Mary. But his "yes" to God was not only his personal adherence to his plan, that "yes" Mary said it also for all of us. his "yes" is a conversion throughout history. Only then was the history of Salvation completely possible. there his "yes" was the conversion from "his" pronounced by Eve, because at that moment the path of abandonment of God began. Since then man has lived in fear and distrust.

So, when Our Lady exhorts us once again to conversion, first of all she intends to tell us that our heart must deepen even more in God and that all of us, our families and our communities must find the new way. Therefore, we must not say that faith and conversion are a private event, even if it is true that conversion, faith and love are personal dimensions of the human heart and that they have consequences for all humanity. Just as our sins have terrible consequences on others, our love also bears beautiful fruits for us and for others. Then, it is really worthwhile to convert to God with all your heart and create a new world, in which first of all a new life with God emerges for each of us. Mary said "yes" to God, whose name is Emanuele - the God with us - and the God who is for us and close to us. The psalmist would say: “Which race is so full of graces like ours? Since God is close to us like no other God is close to any other race. " Thanks to her closeness to God, thanks to her being with Emanuele, Mary is the mother who is close to us for us. She is present and accompanies us on this journey, Maria becomes particularly maternal and sweet when she says ...

I am close to you and I invite you all to come, children, into my arms

These are the words of a mother. The womb that welcomed Jesus, that brought him within him, that gave life to Jesus, in which Jesus found himself like a child, in which he felt so much tenderness and love, this womb and these hands are wide open towards us and are waiting for us!

Mary comes and we are allowed to entrust our life to her and it is precisely this that we need tremendously in this time when there is so much destruction, so much fear and so many difficulties.

Today the world needs the warmth and life of this mother's womb and children need warm hearts and mother's womb in which they can grow and become men and women of peace.

Today the world needs the mother and the woman she loves and teaches, the only one who can really help us.

And this is in a very special way Mary, the mother of Jesus. Jesus came into his womb from Heaven and for this we should run towards her more than ever before, so that she can help us. Mother Teresa once said: "What can this world expect if the maternal hand has become the mother of the executioner who kills unborn life?". And from these mothers and from this society so much evil and so much destruction is generated.

I invite you all to help you, but you don't want to

How can we NOT want it ?! Yes, it is so, because if the heart of men is possessed by evil and sin, they do not want this help. We have all proven that when we have done something wrong in our family, we fear going to mom, but we prefer to hide from her and this is a behavior that destroys us. Then Maria tells us that without her womb and her protection:

So Satan tempts you even in the smallest things, your faith fails

Satan always wants to divide and destroy. Mary is the mother, the Woman with the Child who defeated Satan. Without her help and if we don't trust her, we too will lose faith because we are weak, while Satan is powerful. But if we are with you we no longer have to fear. If we entrust ourselves to her, Mary will lead us to God the Father. Her last words still show her being a mother:

Pray and through prayer you will have blessing and peace

It gives us another chance and tells us that nothing is ever lost. Everything can turn to the best. And we must know that we can still receive the blessing and have peace if we stay with her and with her son. And for that to happen, the fundamental condition is once again prayer. To be blessed is to be protected, but not protected as in a prison. His protection creates the conditions for us to live and remain wrapped in his goodness. This too is peace in its deepest meaning, the condition in which life can develop in spirit, soul and body. And we really need this blessing and this peace!

In Mirjana's message, Mary, our mother, tells us that we have not given thanks to God and that we have not given him glory. We want to tell you then that we are really ready to do something. We want to thank her and give glory to God, who allows her to be with us in this time.

If we pray and fast, if we confess, then our hearts will open to peace and we will be worthy of the Easter greeting: "Peace be with you, do not be afraid". And I conclude these reflections of mine with a wish: "Do not be afraid, open your hearts and you will have peace". And for this too, we pray ...

O God, our Father, You created us for Yourself and without You we cannot have life and peace! Send your Holy Spirit into our hearts and in this time purify us of all that is lacking in us, of everything that destroys us, our families and the world. Transform our hearts, dear Jesus, and draw us to You so that we convert with all our hearts and meet You, our Lord of Mercy, who purify ourselves Lord, protect us through Mary from all evil and strengthen our faith, our hope and our love, so that Satan cannot harm us Give us, O Father, the profound desire of the womb of Mary, which You have chosen as the refuge of Your only Son. Allow us to remain in her womb and make her womb a refuge for all those who live without love, without warmth and without tenderness in this world. And especially make Mary become the mother of all the children betrayed by their parents. May it be a consolation for the orphans, the fearful and the sad who live in fear. Father, bless us with your peace. Amen. And may Easter peace be with you all!

Source: P. Slavko Barbaric