Our Lady allows Lucia to write the secret and gives her new indications

The long-awaited response from the bishop of Leiria was slow to arrive and she felt the obligation to try to execute the order received. Although unwillingly, and in fear of not being able to do it again, which left her truly perplexed, she tried again and was unable. Let's see how this drama tells us:

While waiting for the answer, on 3-1-1944 I knelt by the bed which, at times, serves as a table for me to write, and tried again, without being able to do anything; what impressed me most was that I was able to write anything else without difficulty. I then asked Our Lady to let me know what the will of God was. And I went to the chapel: it was four in the afternoon, when I used to go to visit the Blessed Sacrament, because it was the time when usually he is more alone, and I don't know why, but I like to be alone with Jesus in the tabernacle.

I knelt in front of the step of the altar of Communion and asked Jesus to let me know what his will was. Accustomed as I was to believe that the orders of superiors are the irrefutable expression of the will of God, I could not believe that this was not. And perplexed, half absorbed, under the weight of a dark cloud that seemed to loom over me, with her face in her hands, I waited, without knowing how, an answer. Then I felt a friendly, loving and maternal hand that touched my shoulder, looked up and saw the dear heavenly Mother. «Don't be afraid, God wanted to prove your obedience, faith and humility; keep calm and write down what they order you, however not what you are given to understand of its meaning. After writing it, put it in an envelope, close it and seal it and write outside that it can only be opened in 1960 by the cardinal patriarch of Lisbon or by the bishop of Leiria ».

And I felt the spirit inundated by a mystery of light that is God and in him I saw and heard - the tip of the spear like a flame that stretches until it touches the earth's axis and it gasps: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers and the clouds come out of the banks, overflow, flood and drag an incalculable number of houses and people into a whirlwind: it is the purification of the world from the sin in which it is immersed. Hate and ambition provoke destructive war! In the accelerated heartbeat of my heart and in my spirit I heard a sweet voice resound that said: «Over the centuries, one faith, one baptism, one Church, holy, catholic, apostolic. In eternity, Heaven! ». The word Heaven filled my soul with peace and happiness, to such an extent that, almost without realizing it, I kept repeating for a long time: «Heaven! The sky!". As soon as the overwhelming supernatural force passed, I started writing and I did it without difficulty, on January 3, 1944, on my knees, resting on the bed that served me as a table.

Source: A journey under the gaze of Mary - Biography of Sister Lucia - OCD editions (page 290)