The Madonna explains to the visionary Bruno Cornacchiola how to pray the Rosary

The Virgin of Revelation explains to Bruno Cornacchiola how to pray the Most Holy Rosary

On Palm Sunday of 1948, while Bruno was praying in the church of All Saints, the Virgin of Revelation appeared again to him. This time, however, he had the rosary in his hands and immediately told him that

«It is the moment that I teach you how this dear and holy prayer is recited. As I told you they are arrows of love and gold that reach and reach the heart of my Son Jesus Christ, who died for you and for those who believe in him and walk in the true Church. The enemies will try to divide it, but the prayer you say with faith and love keeps it united, in the love of the Father, in the love of the Son and in the love of the Holy Spirit ».

Here are his indications:

«Take the crucifix with your forefinger and thumb and mark by making the cross above you, which is a personal blessing. Touching your forehead you will say: 'In the name of the Father'; touching your chest: 'and of the Son'; now the left shoulder: 'and of the Spirit'; and the right shoulder: 'Holy. Amen'. Now, always holding the crucifix between the two fingers, which symbolize the Father and the Son, and the hand the Holy Spirit, you will say the Creed with true and persuaded faith. The Creed the Holy Spirit dictated it to the apostles and to the Church visible authority, because the Creed is the Trinitarian truth. I am in it because Mother of the Word, God one and triune, in the true love of the Church for the salvation of souls. I am the embodiment of the Holy Spirit. Now the biggest grain is to recite the prayer that my Son taught the apostles, our Father, and in the three small grains the angel who speaks to me is repeated, I who answer, Elizabeth who recognizes God made flesh in me and the imploration made by you towards me, your Mother in Trinitarian grace and mercy. Now take back the crucifix and repeat with me: 'O God, come and save me'; 'Lord. come to my aid soon. ' Add a Glory. You see that one implores the saint - as you will call him from today onwards - the help of God for salvation. It is the most precious thing that man must guard. Giving glory to the most holy Trinity, with the holy rosary, I am for you the Magnet of the Trinity, united in the love of the Father and in the love of the Son, eternally generated by the Father and in time by me and in the love of the Holy Spirit who proceeds and from the Father and the Son. These are things that I will make you understand over time and with great suffering. Every mystery that clarifies life for every spiritual soul you will say: 'In the first mystery of love one contemplates oneself'. Or, more clearly for you: 'In the first mystery of joyful-painful-glorious love we meditate'; what you must meditate you will take from the Word of God. Thus every day you will meditate the whole plan of God's economy for the redemption of humanity. So you will repeat for each mystery of love throughout the week. This, I repeat, cooperates a lot in the salvation of souls, and keeps faith faith and makes the fight against evil evil win. All that I ask of the Holy Trinity is granted to me because I am the Daughter of the Father, I am the Mother of the Son and I am the Immaculate Bride of the Holy Spirit, the Temple chosen for redemption ».

So he will explain clearly to Cornacchiola in the apparition of December 0, 1983, thus detailing six points:

«A) All those who put themselves under my green mantle of mercy will be protected by me. b) If the world listens to what I have always said in my apparitions, my influence with the Most Holy Trinity will not fail to bring peace to the world devastated by sin. c) Learn from my Son who loved Earth men so much that he gave himself to save them. This is love and as he loved and as I love you in him, for him and with him: love yourselves, sinners, that I love you, I am your Mother. d) What I am about to tell you is impossible, but let us admit that my Son had renounced to die on the cross, well I would have done everything to suffer and die myself in his place. See how much a Mother loves you who waits for you love for the holy things of redemption placed in the holy place founded by Jesus: the Church! e) For all that you do to honor me, especially by living the doctrine of my Son through the Church and her visible head and praying with faith and love the Hail Marys, I promise you protection, blessing and mercy. f) In your every day I try by all means, even with punishment, to save as many sinners as I can by snatching them from the chains of satanic sin ».

Source: The seer "The secrets of Bruno Cornacchiola's diaries" by Saverio Gaeta. Publisher Salani.