Our Lady tells you what to do message of April 3, 2020. Share the words of Mary

Dear my son

today I want you all to do a particular prayer. Today there is adoration to the Sacred Heart of my son as the first Friday of the month. Do not make my children let this day pass like all the other days but go to Church even for a minute to take Communion.

My son Jesus promises each of you eternal salvation for your soul if you make communion every first Friday of the month for nine consecutive months. So my children I who take care of the salvation of each of you ask you to do this devotion and have faith.

Get older and sick people to do this devotion. Priests this day must go to the houses and give Communion to those who cannot go to church. All of you must immerse yourself in my son's merciful Heart.

Repeat this prayer often "Heart of Jesus, Heart of Mary, I entrust my soul". Make your faith grow every day. Only in this way can you give a concrete meaning to your life.