My law be your joy

I am your father and merciful God of immense glory and omnipotence who always forgives you and loves you. I have given you a law, commandments, I want you to respect them and that my law is your joy. The commands that I have given you are not burdensome but they make you free, not subject to slavery from the passions of this world and then they make you stay united with me, I who am your God, father of immense love for you. All the commands that I have given you help you to fully live your faith both towards me and towards your brothers and my children.

May my law be your joy. If you respect my law I remain united to you both in this world and for eternity. My law is spiritual, it helps you to lift your soul, from a sense to your life, it fills you with joy. Whoever does not respect my law lives in this world like a cane beaten by the wind, as if life had no sense and ready to satisfy every worldly passion. Even my son Jesus when he was on this earth, on the mountain, spoke of my commands and gave you instructions on how to respect them. Himself said that whoever respected my commands was like a "man who had built his house on the rock. The rivers overflowed, the wind blew but that house did not fall since it was built on the rock. " Build your life on the rock of my word, of my commands and nobody will be able to bring you down but I will always be ready to support you. Instead, those who do not observe my commands are like a "man who built his house on the sand. The rivers overflowed, the winds blew and that house fell as it was built on sand. " Don't allow yourself not to make sense of your life, to live an empty life without me. You can do nothing without me so be true to me and respect my commands.

My law is a law of love. All my law is founded on love for me and for your brothers. But if you do not give love to me and your brothers in life, what will it mean? Many men in this world do not know love but try to satisfy only their worldly desires. I who am God, the creator, tell each one of you “leave your works unfair and return to me with all your heart. I forgive you and if you base your life on love you will be my favorite children and I will do everything for you ".

Do not base your life on earthly passions but on my law. How bad are those men who, although knowing my love, while believing in me, do not respect my commands but allow themselves to be overcome by their carnal feelings. Even more serious is that among these people there are also souls that I have chosen to spread my word. But you pray for these souls who turn away from me and I who are merciful, thanks to your prayers and supplications, I shape their hearts and in my omnipotence I do everything they can to return to me.

May my law be your joy. If you find joy in my commands then you are "blessed", you are a man who has understood the true meaning of life and in this world does not need anything anymore since you have everything in remaining faithful to me. It is useless for you to multiply your prayers if you want to do whatever you want in your life and try to satisfy your passions. The first thing to do is to listen to my word, my commands and to put them into practice. There is no valid prayer without my grace. And you will get my grace if you are faithful to my commands, to my teachings.
Now return to me wholeheartedly. If your sins are numerous, I always lose and am always ready to welcome every man. But you have to be determined to change your life, change your way of thinking and turn your heart only towards me.

You are blessed if my law is your joy. You are a man full of the Holy Spirit and you will be a bright light in this world of darkness. Even if in the eyes of men you are useless you don't have to fear. I who am your God, your father, I who am almighty I will not allow anyone to defeat you but you will win all the battles. Blessed are you if you love my law and have made my commands the main thing in your life. You are blessed and I love you and I will give you Heaven.