The mystic Marisa Rossi and her many Eucharistic miracles

Under the light of Christmas, on December 30, 2003, an extraordinary and completely unexpected Eucharistic miracle took place in the thaumaturgical place: the great host that had bled for the first time on and for the second time bled for the third time.

On 30 December 2003 the community offered the Lord a day of Eucharistic adoration to ask forgiveness for all the sins committed in 2003. In the morning Marisa suffered the passion in a particularly bloody way, accompanied by a new abundant bleeding of the stigmata of her hands and front. Her serious health conditions did not allow her to go down to the chapel, but she joined the community in prayer in her bedroom, where HE Msgr. Claudio Gatti had exposed the large host that had bled twice, on May 16, 2000 and April 6, 2002. In the afternoon, at the end of the Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop, while Marisa suffered the passion in her bedroom again and stigmata bled, the blood came out of the host again, to indicate the intimate and profound union between Jesus and Marisa, his bride and victim of love. The Bishop, returned home and found the miracle, took the host to the chapel, where some members of the community adored it for a few hours. On the host there were the large bloodstains due to previous bleeding and other small blooms near the edges.

On April 6, 2002, the guest bled for the second time. On this occasion our community had offered God a day of prayer, Eucharistic adoration and fasting. Our sister Marisa, unable to join the community in prayer in the chapel due to the sufferings caused by the passion, was doing Eucharistic adoration in her bedroom in front of the Eucharist which had bled on May 16, 2000. While the Bishop was celebrating the S. Mass, Marisa noticed a new bleeding of the host. Some time later she heard and saw a terrible earthquake shake the whole house and she saw above all the objects, which were on the dresser in front of her, tip over, shake and shatter. The supernatural event lasted a few seconds, then Marisa saw everything return intact to its place. This same experience was experienced by those who stood at the foot of the cross immediately after Jesus died. “And Jesus cried out again and gave up his spirit. And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom; and the earth trembled and the rocks split open ”(Matthew 27, 50-51).

This third haemorrhage, which occurred on December 30, 2003, is a new sign of Christ's suffering due to the spiritual situation of priests and the Church. Since the end of last summer, the stigmata on our sister's hands, feet, forehead and chest have bled many times. Marisa suffers from a passion for the Church, the Bishop, the community and all the people who rely on her prayers for physical and spiritual healing. This miracle, which took place during the Christmas period, offers us new food for thought to meditate on the mysteries of the Incarnation and the Eucharist. In the mystery of the Incarnation we contemplate the mystery of the God-Child: divine omnipotence is hidden under the appearances of a small and defenseless child. In the same way, Jesus is really present in the Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine. The guest is fragile and defenseless in the hands of man, who can love and adore him or offend him.

In Bethlehem the shepherds, simple and humble people, believed in the announcement of the angels and worshiped the God-Child, witnessing without fear to everyone what they had seen. "When the angels went to heaven, the shepherds said to each other:" Let us go to Bethlehem and see what has happened, which the Lord has made known to us ". And they left quickly, and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in a manger. And when they saw him, they made known the saying that they had been told about this child; And all those who heard it marveled at what the shepherds had said to them "(Luke 2, 15-18). Surely their testimony reached the gates of Jerusalem and the ears of the high priests who did not give credit to what was announced by the pastors. As it is written in the Gospel, only the Magi, people considered powerful and important, attracted the attention of Herod and the high priests to themselves, shocked by the novelty of the Savior's birth. Herod himself, out of envy and jealousy, will try to kill the Messiah.

The thaumaturgical place is the new Bethlehem where, through the intervention of God, through the numerous Eucharistic miracles, the Trinitarian theophanies and the apparitions of the Mother of the Eucharist, a new light of grace emanated and spread throughout the Church. This light generated a strong impulse, a renewed attention, an ardent faith and an extraordinary love for the Eucharist. In fact, today priests, bishops and cardinals make clearer and more profound catecheses, so the faithful have begun to understand the centrality, importance and necessity of the Eucharist in the life of every man, of families, of religious communities, of particular Churches and of the universal Church.

Eucharistic adoration has intensified successfully and more and more young people are approaching the Eucharist. Unfortunately, only the small and humble men believed in all the supernatural events that happened in the thaumaturgical place, on the contrary the powerful men and the ecclesiastical authority fought in every way against the works of God. The conversion of three billion and five hundred million and one person , the triumph of Jesus the Eucharist and of the Mother of the Eucharist became a reality through the intervention of God and the collaboration of the Bishop and Marisa who, even without powerful and numerous means of communication and without the support of any ecclesiastical and civil authority, they abandoned to God, fought and suffered.

A host came out of the chest of a Crucifix and flew like a white butterfly through the glass and the host landed out of the glass for Marisa. For many decades Our Lady appeared in private in Rome and transmitted God's messages to all humanity about the Eucharist which is the heart of the Catholic faith. In June 1993 he asked in the name of God that the messages be made public and since 1995 many have taken place. Our Lady said:

I am the Mother of the Eucharist, I know the word of Jesus. Love Jesus the Eucharist. Since 1971 Marisa Rossi has been assisted by Bishop Claudio Gatti, her spiritual director, who founded the Movement Commitment and Testimony - “Mother of the Eucharist”, a movement of prayer for the “Triumph of the Eucharist”. HE Mons. Claudio Gatti recognized the supernatural origin of the apparitions and Eucharistic miracles (Decree of 14 September 2000). The apparitions ended with the death of the seer, which occurred on August 8, 2009. More information on these events.