Death is nothing "the true meaning of eternal life"

Death is nothing. Does not matter.
I just went to the next room.
Nothing happened.
Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am me and you are you
and the past life that we have lived so well together is unchanged, intact.
What we were before each other still is.
Call me by the old familiar name.
Talk to me in the same affectionate way you've always used.
Don't change your tone of voice,
Don't look solemn or sad.
Keep laughing at what made us laugh,
of those little things that we liked so much when we were together.

Smile, think of me and pray for me.
My name is always the familiar word from before.
Say it without the slightest trace of shadow or sadness.
Our life retains all the meaning it has always had.
It's the same as before,
There is a continuity that does not break.
What is this death if not an insignificant accident?
Why should I be out of your thoughts just because I'm out of your sight?

I'm not far, I'm on the other side, just around the corner.
Everything is alright; nothing is lost.
A short moment and everything will be as before.
And how we will laugh at the problems of separation when we meet again!