The most powerful prayer to ward off the evil one. Written by San Benedetto

"Flee the enemy Satan from every child of God,
spread his iniquities elsewhere,
where no one can harm,
where no one does harm and wickedness.
Satan goes retro,
and drink your iniquities yourself!
You are a blasphemous seducer of souls,
but whoever does the will of God dare not touch,
treacherous and foolish maleficent.
I give myself the ability to drive you back to the underworld
and from there you can never get out again,
to harass the chosen children!
Go back to the foot of the Cross of Christ,
and chained to that wood you stay,
perfidious snake, evil creature repellent.
All your seduction vanish,
and love for God the Father remains in every heart.
I drive out any infestation in the name of Jesus,
even if many of you are headed by Belzebùl!
Return to your quarters and leave the bodies free,
heal the wounds that you have impressed,
and souls return to be with Jesus,
with Maria: The Pure and Immaculate,
the sweet, tender Mother who makes you all tremble,
it is His name that frightens you,
because you know that all She is pure of sin.
Dear children, it helps you to free yourself from all evils;
let us also invoke you, who in Ciel
make all his children a host of angels and saints,
because you save them all!
Long live Maria! Long live Jesus !,
And in Their Name you run away from every tribe
that it is an obstacle to the love of the Father God,
to the love of the Son Jesus
and the action of the Holy Spirit
will wash away all troubled children.
I carry you together in my heart,
I take you with me together with the Saints,
walk in virtues
and we will hug you all! "