The power of salt and exorcised oil

The exorcised oil used with faith, helps to put away the power of demons and their assaults. It also benefits the health of the soul and body; we remember the ancient use of anointing the wounds with oil and the power given by Jesus to the apostles to heal the sick with the laying on of hands and anointing them with oil. A specific property of the exorcised oil is to separate adversities from the body. Very often I happened to exorcise people who have been billed by drinking or eating something evil, it is easy to understand it from that characteristic stomach ache or from the fact that these people have a particular way of erupting or exploding in a form of hiccups or rattle, especially in connection with religious actions: when they go to church, when they pray and especially when they are exorcised. In these cases, in order to free itself, the organism must expel what is evil. The exorcised oil helps a lot to detach and free the body from these impurities, also drinking blessed water helps for this purpose.

Here it is useful to give some more information, even if those who are not practical and have not seen will find it hard to believe these things. What do you expel? Sometimes it rose thick and frothy; or a kind of white and grainy jelly; at other times they are the most varied objects: nails, pieces of glass, small wooden dolls, knotted rope threads, rolled iron threads, cotton threads of various colors, clots of blood ... Sometimes these things are expelled by natural ways ; many times vomiting; it should be noted that the organism never has any damage, (it is relieved of it), even if it is a question of cutting glass. At other times the outflow remains mysterious; for example, the person feels abdominal pain as if he had a nail in his stomach, then he finds a nail on the ground next to him; and the pain disappears. The impression is that all these objects materialize the instant they are expelled

(From the Book of Don Gabriele Amorth "An Exorcist Tells")


Exorcised salt is beneficial for driving out demons and for the health of the soul and body. But its specific property is that of protecting places from evil influences or presences. In these cases, I usually advise placing exorcised salt on the doorstep and in the four corners of the room or rooms that are considered haunted.

That "unbelieving Catholic world" will perhaps laugh at these alleged properties. Certainly the sacramentals act all the more effectively the more there is Faith; without this they often remain ineffective. Vatican II, and with the same words Canon Law (can 1166), defines them as "sacred signs with which, for some imitation of the sacraments, especially spiritual effects are meant and obtained, for the impetration of the Church". Those who use them with Faith see unexpected effects.

(From the Book of Don Gabriele Amorth "An Exorcist Tells")