Prayer Rosary

Message dated June 12, 1986. Mary in Medjugorje
Dear children, today I invite you to start saying the Rosary with living faith, so I can help you. You, dear children, wish to receive graces, but do not pray, I cannot help you since you do not want to move. Dear children, I invite you to pray the Rosary; may the Rosary be a commitment to be carried out with joy, so you will understand why I have been with you for so long: I wish to teach you to pray. Thanks for answering my call!

I implore you insistently for the love I bring you in Jesus and Mary, to recite the Rosary every day .... at the moment of death you will bless the day and the time you believed me. (St. Louis Maria Grignion De Montfort)

1) To all those who will prayerfully recite my Rosary, I promise my special protection and great graces.

2) He who perseveres in reciting my Rosary will receive some outstanding grace.

3) The Rosary will be a very powerful defense against hell; it will destroy vices, free from sin, dispel heresies.

4) The Rosary will make virtues and good works flourish and will obtain the most abundant divine mercies for souls; it will replace the love of God in the hearts of the world, elevating them to the desire for heavenly and eternal goods. How many souls will sanctify themselves by this means!

5) He who entrusts himself to me with the Rosary will not perish.

6) He who devoutly recites my Rosary, meditating on his mysteries, will not be oppressed by misfortune. Sinner, he will convert; righteous, he will grow in grace and become worthy of eternal life.

7) The true devotees of my Rosary will not die without the sacraments of the Church.

8) Those who recite my Rosary will find during their life and death the light of God, the fullness of his graces and will share in the merits of the blessed.

9) I will free the devout souls of my Rosary very quickly from purgatory.

10) The true children of my Rosary will enjoy a great glory in heaven.

11) What you ask with my Rosary, you will get it.

12) Those who spread my Rosary will be helped by me in all their needs.

13) I obtained from my Son that all the members of the Confraternity of the Rosary have the saints of heaven for brothers during life and at the hour of death.

14) Those who faithfully recite my Rosary are all my beloved children, brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.

15) Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

(The Madonna in San Domenico and Blessed Alano)

Maria Ss. Of Fatima says

«I have given you the intellectual view of what is a well-said Rosary: ​​rain of roses on the world. For every Hail that a loving soul says with love and faith I let a grace fall. Where is it? For everything: on the righteous to make them more righteous, on sinners to repent them. How much it is! How many graces rain for the Ave del Rosario! White, red, gold roses.

White roses of the joyful mysteries, red of the painful, golden of the glorious. All powerful roses of graces for the merits of my Jesus. Because it is his infinite merits that give value to every prayer. Everything is and takes place, of what is good and holy, for Him. I spread, but He confirms. Oh! Blessed be my Child and Lord!

I give you the white roses of the great merits of the perfect, because divine - and perfect because voluntarily wanted to keep such from Man - Innocence of my Son. I give you the purple roses of the infinite merits of my Son's suffering, so willingly consumed for you. I give you the golden roses of his most perfect Charity. All of my Son I give you, and all of my Son sanctifies and saves you. Oh! I am nothing, I disappear in its radiance, I only perform the gesture of giving, but He, He alone is the inexhaustible source of all graces! ».