The power of the Guardian Angel that has over our lives

Angels are strong and powerful. They have the important task of defending us from the dangers and above all from the temptations of the soul. This is why when we feel vulnerable to the malice's malice, we entrust ourselves to them.

When we are in danger, in the midst of nature or among men or animals, let's invoke them. When we travel. we invoke the help of the angels of those who are traveling with us. When we have to undergo surgery, we invoke the angels of the doctor, nurses or staff who assist us. When we go to mass we join the angel of the priest and of the other faithful. If we tell a story, we ask the angel of those who listen to us for help. If we have a friend who is far away and may need help because he is sick or in danger, send our guardian angel to heal and protect him, or simply to greet and bless him in our name.

Angels see the dangers, even if we ignore them. Not invoking them would be like leaving them aside and preventing their help, at least in part. How many blessings people lose because they don't believe in angels and don't invoke them! Angels fear nothing. The demons flee before them. In fact we must not forget that angels carry out the orders given by God. Therefore if sometimes something unpleasant happens to us we don't think: Where was my angel? Was he on vacation? God can allow many unpleasant things for our good and we must accept them because they decided by the will of God, although we are not given to understand the meaning of certain events. What we must think is that "everything contributes to the good of those who love God" (Rom 8:28). But Jesus says: "Ask and it will be given to you" and we will obtain many blessings if we ask them in faith.

Saint Faustina Kowalska, the messenger of the Lord of Mercy, recounts how God protected her in a precise situation: “As soon as I realized how dangerous it is to stay in the concierge in our days, and this because of the revolutionary riots, and how much I hate evil people feed for convents, I went to talk to the Lord and asked him to arrange things so that no attacker dares to approach the door. And then I heard these words: "My daughter, from the moment you went to the porter's lodge, I put a cherub on the door to watch over her, don't worry". When I returned from my conversation with the Lord, I saw a white cloud and a cherub in it with folded arms. His gaze was flashing; I understood that the fire of God's love burned in that gaze ... "