The prayer that St. Francis always recited to God. Recite it too ...

You are holy, Lord, only God, who works wonders.
You are strong, You are great, You are very high,
You are almighty, You, holy Father, king of heaven and earth.
You are triune and one, Lord God of gods,
You are the good, all good, the highest good,
the Lord God alive and true.
You are love and charity, You are wisdom,
You are humility, You are patience,
You are beauty, you are security, you are quiet.
You are joy and joy, You are our hope,
You are justice and temperance,
You are everything, our wealth enough.
You are beauty, you are meekness.
You are protector, You are guardian and defender,
You are fortress, you are refuge.
You are our hope, You are our faith,
You are our charity, You are all our sweetness,
You are our eternal life,
great and admirable Lord,
Almighty God, merciful Savior.