The prayer of the spouses to Sant'Antonio to heal their wedding

Glorious Saint Anthony, you exercised the divine power to find what had been lost. Help me to rediscover the grace of God received in the sacrament of Matrimony.

That my spouse and I can go back to feeling strength, courage, hope and faith. One day we had all this, but the bad decisions we made in life made us weak.

Help us find again the loving love in which we give all of ourselves to make the other person happy. May this charity burn again like an inextinguishable flame, so that there will be joy once again in the heart of both.

That we can find moments to give ourselves to each other in the intimacy of our relationship, and that we can make the other person feel how much we appreciate his presence and time spent together.

Oh Saint Anthony, help us find again the desire to love us without measure. That we can find forgiveness for the painful situations we have experienced. That we can heal all the wounds that we caused in moments of immaturity and indifference.

Come and strengthen our spirit, so that we can love God more than anything else, dedicate our time to Him and find a way to reconcile ourselves with Him.

Oh, dear Saint Anthony, bless and protect our family; keep it united in love, that love that sustains us in everyday needs, and keep it free from evil.

Bless my spouse (say his name) and me. Help us to live the fruits of our work with dignity, so that we can have the opportunity to grow and educate the children that the Lord has given us and those that he will give us, if it is in His desires.

Bless our children, who can remain healthy and with goodness in their hearts. Help them never get lost in their way; but if this should happen, help them and find the path of love again. Also help them focus on their studies and prepare for the future. Do not allow them to lose faith and purity whenever evil tries to compromise their spiritual and personal growth.

Help us understand our children and guide them - through our words and our example - so that they can always aspire to the noblest ideals and be able to put into practice their human and Christian vocation.
