The prayer that Father Amorth always said


In the Name of Jesus Christ I renounce Satan and all occult ties, his "work on my spirit, his work on my body, and his work on my mind, and all ties with each of his followers. I reject the evil that has infiltrated my life, because I moved away from Jesus, because I abandoned the sacraments, because I neglected prayer, because I dedicated myself only to everything that passes. I refuse the evil that I accepted and that I did out of ignorance and lightness, out of anger or unconsciousness, out of fear of being criticized, out of disappointment or bad examples, or through destructive self-injury infusomi. I become aware and portray any evil that I have done or have done to my parents, my family, my friends, my superiors, to society as a whole. In particular, I refuse spiritually polluting actions: swear words, blasphemies, promises and false oaths, usury, injustices, favoritism, spirit sessions, all occult practices and those which have been imposed on me beyond out of my will. O Christ Jesus, My King and Redeemer, by the Power of Your Holy Cross and by virtue of Your Precious Blood, Save me. “In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the 'negative spirit' of: Avarice - Resentment - Resentment - Hate - Curse - Envy - Jealousy - Pride - Lie - Division - Fear - Pride - Vengeance - Violence - Power - Vainglory - Shamelessness - Lust - Adultery - False religions and spirituality - Religious deception - Atheism - Freemasonry - Antichrist - Asmodeo - every New Age practice - Reiki - Astrology - Necromancy - Cartomancy - Divination - Mediumnity - Occultism - Spiritism - Witchcraft - Magic - Throat - Smoking - Alcoholism - Drug - Discouragement - Swearing - Agitation - Wrath - Idleness - Sloth - Confusion - Ango “Anguish - Alienation - Depression - Desperation - Attempted suicide. And now for the Sacrament of Baptism, which made me the son of God, of Confirmation which confirmed me in His Grace, of the Confession which forgave me from all sin, of the Eucharist which made me share in the Body of Jesus; now in the Name of Jesus, Our Lord, before whom every knee bends in the heavens, on earth and underground, for the authority it has given to those who believe, through the intercession of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, of the Angels, of the Archangels, S. Michael, St. Raphael, St. Gabriel, of Saint Joseph, of all Saints, I ask [or ask] to break any link with any person, sect, or ideology that has distanced me from Jesus, My God and My Lord, because, if it still remains in me and mine family some unjust bond that subjects me to satan, is now frustrated and rendered impotent for the Holy Name of Jesus, for His Most Holy Wounds, for His Precious Blood and His death on the Cross, which has freed us from all slavery with the sin. Let all power of the evil spirits that torment me be tied to Your Cross, O Jesus. Your "time is over, now you," evil forces "," unclean spirits ", you can no longer undermine us because Jesus Christ, my Powerful Lord, sends you back to hell, from where you can no longer return and have no other influence on me to disturb me. So be it. Amen, Amen, Amen!