Is the astral projection real?

Astral projection is a term commonly used by practitioners in the metaphysical spirituality community to describe an intentional out-of-body experience (OBE). The theory is based on the concept that the soul and the body are two distinct entities and that the soul (or consciousness) can leave the body and travel through the astral plane.

There are many people who claim to practice astral projection regularly, as well as countless books and websites explaining how to do it. However, there is no scientific explanation for astral projection, nor is there definitive proof of its existence.

Astral projection
Astral projection is an out-of-body experience (OBE) in which the soul is detached from the body voluntarily or involuntarily.
In most metaphysical disciplines, there are believed to be several types of extracorporeal experiences: spontaneous, traumatic and intentional.
To study astral projection, scientists created laboratory-induced situations that mimic experience. Through magnetic resonance analysis, the researchers found neurological effects that correspond to the sensations described by astral travelers.
Astral projection and out-of-body experiences are examples of unverifiable personal gnosis.
At this point, there is no scientific evidence to verify or disprove the existence of the astral projection phenomenon.
Imitation of astral projection in a laboratory
Few scientific studies have been conducted on astral projection, probably because there is no known way to measure or test astral experiences. With that said, the scientists were able to examine patients' claims about their experiences during astral travel and OBEs, then artificially replicate those feelings in a laboratory.

In 2007, researchers published a study titled The Experimental Induction of Out-of-Body Experience. Cognitive neuroscientist Henrik Ehrsson created a scenario that imitated an out-of-body experience by connecting a pair of virtual reality glasses to a three-dimensional camera aimed at the back of the subject's head. Test subjects, who did not know the purpose of the study, reported feelings similar to those described by astral projection professionals, which suggested that the OBE experience could be replicated in a laboratory.

Other studies have found similar results. In 2004, a study found that damage to the temporo-parietal junction of the brain can cause illusions similar to those experienced by people who believe they have out-of-body experiences. This is because damage to the temporal-parietal junction can make individuals lose their ability to know where they are and coordinate their five senses.

In 2014, researchers from Andra M. Smith and Claude Messierwere of the University of Ottawa studied a patient who believed he had the ability to intentionally travel along the astral plane. The patient told them that she could "stir up the experience of moving over her body." When Smith and Messier were observed the subject's MRI results, they noticed brain patterns that showed "strong deactivation of the visual cortex" while "activating the left side of several areas associated with kinesthetic imaging." In other words, the patient's brain literally showed that she was experiencing body movement, despite being completely immobile in an MRI tube.

However, these are laboratory-induced situations in which researchers have created an artificial experience that mimics astral projection. The fact is, there is no way to measure or test whether we can truly project astrally.

The metaphysical perspective
Many members of the metaphysical community believe that astral projection is possible. People who claim to have experienced astral travel tell similar experiences, even when they come from different cultural or religious backgrounds.

According to many practitioners of astral projection, the spirit leaves the physical body to travel along the astral plane during the astral journey. These practitioners often report the feeling of being disconnected and sometimes claim to be able to see their physical body from above as if floating in the air, as in the case of a patient in a 2014 University of Ottawa study.

The young woman referenced in this report was a college student who had told researchers that she could deliberately put herself in a body-like trance state; in fact, she was surprised that not everyone could do it. She told the study facilitators that "she was able to see herself spinning in the air above her body, lying down and rolling along the horizontal plane. Sometimes he reported seeing himself move from above but remained aware of his "real" immobile body. "

Others have reported a sensation of vibrations, of hearing voices in the distance and of humming sounds. On the astral journey, practitioners claim that they can send their spirit or consciousness to another physical place, away from their real body.

In most metaphysical disciplines, there are believed to be several types of extracorporeal experiences: spontaneous, traumatic and intentional. Spontaneous OBEs can happen randomly. You may relax on the sofa and suddenly feel like you are somewhere else, or even that you are looking at your body from the outside.

Traumatic OBEs are triggered by specific situations, such as a car accident, violent encounter or psychological trauma. Those who have encountered this type of situation report feeling as if their spirit has left their body, allowing them to look at what was happening to them as a sort of emotional defense mechanism.

Finally, there are deliberate or intentional experiences outside the body. In these cases, a practitioner consciously projects, maintaining complete control over where his spirit travels and what they do while they are on the astral plane.

Unverifiable personal gnosis
The phenomenon of unverifiable personal gnosis, sometimes abbreviated as UPG, is often found in contemporary metaphysical spirituality. UPG is the concept that each person's spiritual insights are not demonstrable and although they are suitable for them, they may not be applicable to everyone. Astral projection and out-of-body experiences are examples of unverifiable personal gnosis.

Sometimes, a gnosis can be shared. If a number of people on the same spiritual path share similar experiences independently of each other - if, perhaps, two people have had similar experiences - the experience can be considered as a shared personal gnosis. Sharing gnosis is sometimes accepted as a possible verification, but rarely defined. There are also phenomena of confirmed gnosis, in which the documentation and historical records relating to the spiritual system confirm the individual's gnostic experience.

With astral travel or astral projection, a person who believes he has lived it can have an experience similar to another person; this is not a test of the astral projection, but simply a shared gnosis. Likewise, just because the history and traditions of a spiritual system include the assumption of astral travel or out-of-body experiences is not necessarily a confirmation.

At this point, there is no scientific evidence to verify the existence of the astral projection phenomenon. Regardless of scientific evidence, however, every professional has the right to embrace the UPGs that give them spiritual satisfaction.