The Resurrection: women were the first to testify

The Resurrection: women were the first to testify. Jesus sent a message, they say, that women are vital, but even today some Christians are slow to understand it. The history of the Easter, as narrated in the Bible, it recounts the events at the founding of Christianity about two millennia ago, yet it looks strangely modern. The details in the four gospels vary.

Some say that Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" come to perfume the body of Jesus with spices; others say one or three were there, including Salome and Joanna, but the message is consistent: women first see or hear about the empty tomb and the risen Christ, then run to tell the male apostles, who don't believe them.

The resurrection: women were the first to testify not only Christians

The resurrection: women were the first to testify not only the Christians. Eventually, men see for themselves, of course, and launch the religious movement that has spread across oceans and continents. And those first female witnesses? For most of the history of the faith, women have been excluded from formal ministry, playing a vital but unsung role. These days, things are slowly changing. As Christians celebrate rebirth this Easter, half a dozen women from various traditions reflect on what those early disciples mean to them as they serve in their church.

The resurrection: Easter is undoubtedly the greatest Christian celebration

The resurrection: Easter is undoubtedly the greatest cChristian celebration. It is the celebration of the victory over sin, over Satan, over death, over the grave and over all the evil powers of darkness, evil and all injustice. It is a celebration of light over darkness, truth over falsehood, life over death, joy over sadness, victory over defeat and failure. The triumph of Christ is the triumph of believers. It is a celebration of hope.

The resurrection: the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a reality

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a reality. Believers must live in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We must appropriate the power of the resurrection. Believers must live a life of victory over sin, themselves, satan, the world, the flesh and their cohorts. Death could not hold Jesus back. The power of the resurrection in Jesus it should be invoked upon the nation and every landscape created by God and from COVID-19.