The Saint of November 25, Caterina D'Alessandria, origins and prayer

Tomorrow, Thursday 25 November, the Catholic Church commemorates Catherine of Alexandria.

The cult of Catherine of Alexandria is very widespread; we find it depicted in the Roman basilica of San Lorenzo, in the catacombs of San Gennaro in Naples and in many parts of Europe, where it has also inspired sacred representations and "cantari".

Its annual feast is experienced as the feast of the young; in France Catherine became the patroness of theology students and of many female brotherhoods.

She is the protector of the apprentice seamstresses (who will take from her a name destined to last for a long time: “Caterinette”). But also of barbers, nurses, marriageable girls, prisoners, and - since tortured with the sharp wheel - also of all the professions connected to the wheel: from grinders to potters, from tire repairers to cyclists.

Prayer to Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Virgin and Martyr,

O white flower of heaven and glorious Saint Catherine, who, enriched by the nature and grace of all the prerogatives that can promise great fortune in the world, were never pleased with anything other than to observe exactly the most holy law of Jesus Christ, and in the confess His faith (washing off judges and tyrants, obtain for us, we ask you, the grace of never instigating other than true goods, that is, the true Faith in Jesus, nor of being attentive other than to advance in holiness. Grant us your Benign protection in the evils of this life and guide us, with the example of your virtues, to the health of eternal life.


Glory to the Father.