The Saint of impossible causes: the thorn, the rose and the petition

Saint of impossible causes: The gift of the thorn

Santa of Impossible Causes: At the age of thirty-six years Rita is committed to following the ancient rule of St. Augustine. For the next forty years he devoted himself wholeheartedly to prayer and works of charity, striving above all to preserve peace and harmony among the citizens of Cascia. With a pure love she wanted more and more to be intimately united to the redemptive suffering of Jesus, and this desire of his was met in an extraordinary way. One day, when she was about sixty, she was meditating before an image of Christ crucified, as she had been used to doing for some time.

Suddenly a small wound appeared on his forehead, as if one crown thorn surrounding Christ's head had melted and penetrated into his own flesh. For the next fifteen years he carried this outward sign of stigmatization and union with the Lord. Despite the pain he constantly felt, he offered himself bravely for the physical and spiritual well-being of others.

Saint Rita received the thorn of Jesus' crown while praying near the Crucifix

For the last four years of her life, Rita has been bedridden. She was able to eat so little that she was practically supported by the Eucharist alone. She was, however, an inspiration to her religious sisters and to all who came to see her, for her patience and joyful disposition despite her great suffering.

Saint of impossible causes: the Rose

One of those who visited her a few months before her death - a relative of her hometown, Roccaporena - had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the extraordinary things created by Rita's requests. When asked if she had any special wishes. Rita she only asked that a rose be brought to her from the garden of her parents' house. It was a small favor to ask, but impossible to give in January!

However, upon returning home, the woman discovered, to her amazement, a single brightly colored flower on the bush where the nun had said it would be. Picking it up, she immediately returned to the monastery and presented it to Rita who thanked God for this sign of love.

Thus, the saint of the thorn became the saint of the rose, and she whose impossible requests had been granted to her became the advocate. Of all those whose demands also seemed impossible. As she took her last breath, Rita's last words to the sisters who had gathered. Around her were: “Remain in the saint love of Jesus. Remain in obedience to the holy Roman Church. Remain in peace and fraternal charity “.

Powerful plea to Saint Rita for an impossible grace