The special assistance of the Guardian Angels when we have tribulations

In the fire, gold must lay down its slag and acquire its luster; all the earth is filled with slags of tribulations, too much, {33 [119]} and we all have ours with us. In this furnace, however, every elect should have his place; but he can animatedly enter it, only if he reflects that he is not alone; but with his good angel. In the furnace of Babylon the three children appeared to be alone; but they all found themselves in the company of the good Angel, who made sure that those flames only consumed the chains from which the three young men were tied, but they were free and slender to walk within them, and then they came out with their totally unharmed clothes.

So use the good angel with us among our afflictions. Let only the bonds of vices, which would keep us attached to the earth, be consumed; then the clothes of the virtues suffer nothing, indeed more precious they become, more refined. More it instills in our hearts our sweet comfort, or in the lovers offered to God by the present sufferings, or in the tears themselves on the past sins, or in the protests {34 [120]} and resolutions of a holier and more regulated life . And oh how many fortunate souls perfect themselves in the fire of tribulations, and then their Angel presents to God purified, making them full of jubilation exclaim with the prophet: You, O Lord, want from me the proof of this fire, and I will give you I give thanks, because after this trial I no longer find the iniquities of before in me! Oh happy and blessed who with sweet confidence thus confers familiarity with his Angel, and hears his voices, and follows his advice! Oh the great steps of virtue and merit! Oh beautiful triumph of the Holy Keeper over the common enemy. The evil spirit cannot fail to rage in seeing our tears changed by our Guardian in precious gems, and his hatred become for us an instrument of eternal happiness.

My dear Angel, who so well know how to turn every tribulation to your joy, for my sake and as a corrector of the infernal enemy, do not abandon me {35 [121]} in such a time of greatest need. Let my patience never be overcome by pain. Dispel my darkness with your lights, and my anxieties sweetened with your comforts, so that I know how to bless the crosses that God sends me, to then enjoy perfect consolations in heaven for all centuries.

In the harassment that it will be useful for you to converse among men, especially of a different nature and morals, animate yourselves to tolerate them also for this reason, that is, to enjoy the company of the holy Angels in heaven without end.

The comfort that the Guardian Angel lent to the virgin s does much to our teaching. Liduina in her long infirmity. At the age of ten he fell into a very serious illness; ardent fevers, acute pains, {36 [122]} sores for life, ulcers, rot made her a true portrait of Saint Job. At first she seemed somewhat inanimate; but resorting to his Guardian Angel, he experienced all sorts of consolations from the frequent appearances he made to her; «There is no bitter thing, he said, that does not become sweet when I see my Angel, or think of his words. He is so beautiful, that if God did not save my life, to suffer more for his love, I would die of it for the sake of joy. A single glance would tear my soul and heart from my breast »Liduina's infirmity lasted for thirty-eight years, her body was completely eaten by worms, and almost undone, but to the heartfelt of her Angel who handed her every sub beware the painful passion of the Savior, the eternal reward that would follow these sufferings, all courageously suffered, and all the tribulations, all his pains {37 [123]} served only to make her become more pure and holy. (Tom. From Kempis. Rainaldi).

Source: The devotee of the Guardian Angel (Don Bosco) - Special assistance of the Holy Angels in tribulations