The special ranking of the most prayed for saints in the world! Who is the saint to whom the faithful direct their prayers most?

Today we want to do something different and fun. Saints are much loved but what will be the saint most prayed for? You understood correctly, there are saints to whom people pray more than others.

Padre Pio

Padre Pio, the most loved and venerated saint

In first position we couldn't help but find the most loved saint in the world, Padre Pio. The friar from Pietralcina became known for having received as a gift the stigmata, that is, the signs of Christ's wounds on his body for most of his life. His life of holiness and his extraordinary healing ability and reading of hearts have made him one of the most loved and followed saints in the world. Many people turn to Saint Padre Pio to ask for intercession in the physical and spiritual healing.

Saint Francis

As for the saints patrons of Italy, pride of place goes to Saint Francis of Assisi, known for his love of nature and for animalsthe. He is revered and loved by the faithful who seek inspiration to live a life of simplicity and humility. His best-known prayer, the Canticle of the creatures it is still recited by many today. Her figure represents a beacon of light and hope in a world often marked by selfishness and materialism.

Santa Caterina

With 70% of the preferences we find Saint Catherine of Siena who dedicated his life to faith and service to others. Saint Catherine was known for her intense and profound prayer devotion to God. His intercession is requested to obtain healing, spiritual comfort and protection. THE fedeli they resort to her for help in difficult situations and to find the strength to face life's challenges.

Of course this is a playful way to show how saintly they are loved and how much they represent in people's lives.