Your prayer of the day: February 2, 2021

A prayer to free oneself from the slavery of insecurity

"The truth will set you free." - John 8:32

She is close as a friend, but don't be fooled because she is destructive as an enemy. It is here to destroy your faith, trust and most of all your relationships. It makes you question yourself, your dreams, and even the purpose God has placed in your life. She disguises herself as someone who wants to help when in reality her only purpose is to enslave you; control your every thought, word and deed.

His name, you ask?


She is the closest and most dangerous friend we've allowed in our lives and it's time to say goodbye.

"The truth will set you free." - John 8:32

Truth is the key to unlocking the chains that insecurity has placed on us; chains that have prevented us from speaking, from walking with our heads held high, from pursuing our dreams and from living with an open and confident heart.

So today I want to provide 4 truths to remember when you are feeling insecure:

1.) God accepts you

Where insecurity makes us feel rejected, we know that God has accepted us, not only as friends but also as family. “Look what great love the Father has lavished on us to be called children of God! And this is who we are! “- 1 John 3: 1

If God accepts us there is no need to worry about who does not.

2.) God will not let you go or let you go

Where insecurity makes us want to push others away, God holds us tight in His hands. God won't let you slip through His fingers. Where others can go, God is here to stay. "No power in heaven above or in the earth below, indeed, nothing in all creation can ever separate us from the love of God which is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:39

We are always safe in God's hands.

3.) God is your defender

Where insecurity makes us defensive and combative, God defends us. “The Lord will fight for you; you just have to stay still. ”- Exodus 14:14

We don't have to fight to prove ourselves to others when God has proven who he is in our lives. Let God fight for you.

4.) It is God who opens the doors to you

Where insecurity makes us afraid of losing, God opens doors for us that no man can close. When we realize that God is in control of our every step we don't have to worry about losing it. "The steps of a good man are ordained by the LORD: and he delights in his way." - Psalm 37:23

God's truth is and will always be greater than our insecurity. What once seemed like a powerful and insurmountable enemy is exposed for a feeble impostor in the light of God's truth. May His truth constantly free you from the bondage of insecurity as you live for Him.


Help me free myself from the bondage of insecurity. I confess that I have listened to the voice of the enemy more than I have listened to your truth. Lord, help me to listen and to know that I am loved, that I am perfectly made, that I am accepted as I am in You. Give me your Spirit to help me see when I hear lies instead of truth. Help me fix my eyes on you and all that you are and have done for me and for this world. Thank you sir!

In your name I pray
