The visionary Jelena of Medjugorje: Our Lady teaches us to live married life

Jelena Vasilj: Maria, model of our married life

Mary's sponsorship did not produce such a large number of pages as those written on her motherhood, yet Mary's sponsorship is the key to understanding not only the history of salvation but also the history of each vocation, as its foundation. It is a realization of a plan that God has always had, He who - being communion in himself - presents himself to humanity as a bridegroom and prepares for himself his bride: the new Jerusalem.

Mary cannot but be part of this plan which incarnates in her while, as wife of Joseph and now bride of the Holy Spirit, she lives in Nazareth. In her sponsorship and fruitfulness manifested through the incarnation of the Word, She is a model for all those who are united in marriage or consecrated for the purpose of total union with God. Therefore, to understand what is happening in us, it is appropriate to contemplate what it happened in her, the "whole full of the Holy Spirit".

This is exactly what marriage is for us: a continuous outpouring of Grace, the result of what happened through the sacrament of marriage; that is, that spark with which the fire of the love of the Holy Spirit that pervades our people was accessed. Basically it is a real consecration, a real belonging, a constant transformation into a continuous prayer. When God unites us in marriage, his Grace sanctifies our soul but also our body which now, unified in the marriage union, also becomes a vehicle of holiness, so that we too are deeply associated with his creative action, as he was Maria. We feel that what happens in us is holy and it is a great gift that realizes the likeness with God. It is an icon of ours but also ours, it bears its imprint but also ours, because it expresses the dignity that God gives to man by making him a participant. in creating a person that will last forever. And we feel at his service not only in our actions but also in our being, because the love with which we are invested is the fabric of which our union is made. With this awareness we have understood that Mary's sponsorship is her fruitfulness, it is her Christ. We therefore opened ourselves to life, we opened ourselves to his Christ who comes to us in the form of a child who already lives within me and who will be born in June. It is a life that does not stop or is contained only in the procreative act; it is a life that is a continuous affirmation of the other as a gift from God. And to make it circulate we understand that we must be under the mantle of Mary, at her home, in her Nazareth. So we too, like you, put Jesus at the center of our life to be in his home. First with the Rosary and then with the reading of Sacred Scripture; with the television off and a lot of interest in each other.

In fact, the greatest risk in a couple is precisely not being aware of the Christ who is in the other, that is, not seeing "the nude who needs to be dressed", "the hungry who needs to eat", "The tired man sitting at the well to give water to drink". The other needs me, we are one; Mary certainly did not miss any care for Jesus. It is through the work of her holy hands that every gesture of ours acquires a supernatural level and so, even in small things and in humble services, we are conscious of earning heaven.

However, Mary does not remain only a model of our married life, but individually and together we live the union with her. First of all in the Eucharist, since the Body we receive is also hers. The humanity of Jesus, which comes from his, is the instrument of our salvation, therefore our humanity united to his is the new humanity that Eve did not know, but that we live through baptism and now, through the sacrament of marriage . If it were not for this new bond, all human love would be doomed to fail, it is Mary who intercedes for us and mediates the graces of our marriage. We entrust ourselves to her, Queen of families, so that what began in her can be accomplished in us and in our family. Mary, Queen of families, pray for us.