The Virgin of the Three Fountains: the Miracle of the Sun.

«The devil wants to take possession of consecrated souls ...; use all the tricks, even suggesting to update the religious life!

«From this comes infertility in the inner life and coldness in the seculars about the renunciation of pleasures and total immolation to God».

Men paid no attention to the 1917 message and the 1958 communication is its painful observation. Now, we can add that everything has been getting worse in the world and in the Church.

«We can therefore not expect anything other than the terrible punishment:" Many nations will disappear from the face of the earth ... "». The only means of salvation: the holy Rosary and our sacrifices.

And here we connect with the messages, the communications of the Virgin of the Revelation to Bruno Cornacchiola from April 12, 1947 to the last of February 1982: always in first place the pressing warning for the sanctification of the souls consecrated to God: secular priests, religious and religious ; for the purity of the doctrine of the Church; for the sacredness of the cult, often so debased; in addition to the personal and strictly reserved messages to the Supreme Pontiffs: Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, up to the current Supreme Pontiff John Paul II.

The insistent call of the people to recite the Holy Rosary, to the purity of faith and customs.

Unfortunately, the trend continues, and Satan continues his nefarious work: for Italy in particular, the second part of our booklet already mentioned, with the prophecies of Sister Elena Aiello (died in 1961), with their partial realization before our eyes (pp. 25 and following).

When the Eternal - as the book of Genesis narrates (cc. 5-7) -, given the depravity of men: each person had depraved his own conduct and all the instinct and purpose of their heart was turned only daily to evil (5, 3-5), decided to destroy them, sending the flood, however gave 120 years of space for their repentance (5, 3).

Despite the preaching of the just Noah (2nd letter of Peter 2,5), preserved for this with his three sons and daughter-in-law; although they saw him build the great ark, which would have saved him from the flood waters, the men continued their life and their prava conducted "until the day when Noah entered the ark, and no one thought about it, until the flood came and took them all away "(Mt 24, 37 sqq.).

This was the case with the destruction of Jerusalem, predicted by Jesus some 40 years earlier (Mt. 24, 39 s.).

One hundred and twenty years! Fatima's message begins with the apparition of May 13, 1917: «Men must correct themselves. With humble entreaties they must ask forgiveness for the sins committed ... God will chastise the world with greater severity than he did with the flood ... In the second half of the twentieth century ... ».

A long time left for repentance! Almost in proportion to the terrible scourge that will fall on the world to rebellious God. To confirm the reality, the supernatural character of the prophecy, on November 17, 1917 there was in the presence of thousands of people "the sign in the sun".

For what happened in Fatima, I prefer to report the documentation offered by the authoritative professor P. Luigi Gonzaga Da Fonseca, SJ, formerly my venerable teacher at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, in Rome, in his beautiful book: The wonders of Fatima, - apparitions, cult, miracles -, eighth edition, Pia Soc. S. Paolo, Rome, 1943, pp. 88-100.

«But we come to the last, great day: sixth and last appearance: Saturday, October 13, 1917.

«The story of the pilgrims and even more the liberal newspapers, narrating the facts, discussing them on a whim of their unbelief and announcing the repeated promise of a great miracle for October 13, had aroused an incredible expectation throughout the country.

«In Aljustrel, the native village of the visionaries, there was a real orgasm. Threats were circulating to the children (Lucia di Gesù, Francesco and Giacinta Marto, playing cousins; the first of ten, the other two aged nine and seven): "If nothing happens then ... you will see! We will discount it. "

"There was even news that the Civil Authority was thinking of detonating a bomb among the visionaries at the time of the apparition (to make up for perhaps the ... miracle!).

"The relatives of the two families, in this hostile environment, with hope also feel fear, and with fear the doubt: - What if the children have deceived themselves? -.

«Lucia's mother was in a state of greater perplexity. The fateful day was not far off ... Some advised her to hide with her daughter somewhere far away ...; otherwise both this and the two cousins ​​would no doubt have been killed if the prodigy did not come true.

«… Only the three children showed themselves imperturbable. They didn't know what the miracle could be, but it would have happened without fail ...

«Immense crowd of onlookers and pilgrims. «From the early hours of day 12, the movement towards Fatima was already intense from the most remote parts of Portugal. In the afternoon, the roads leading to the Cava da Iria literally appeared cluttered with vehicles of all kinds and by groups of pedestrians, many of whom walked barefoot and singing the Rosary. Despite the wet season, they were determined to spend the night outdoors to have a better place the next day.

«On October 13, cold, melancholic, rainy appears. It does not matter; the crowd increases; always increases. They come from the surroundings and from afar, many from the most remote cities of the province, not a few from Porto, Coimbra, Lisbon, from which the newspapers of greatest diffusion have sent their correspondents.

“The continuous rain had transformed the Cova da Iria into an immense mud puddle and bathed to the pilgrim and curious bones.

" It does not matter! By eleven-thirty more than 50.000 - others calculated and wrote more than 70.000 - people were there, waiting patiently.

“Before noon the shepherds arrived, dressed more carefully than usual, in Sunday clothes.

«The reverent crowd opens a passage and they, followed by their anxious mothers, come to stand in front of the tree, now reduced to a simple trunk. Around the crowd crowds. Everyone wants to be close to them.

«Jacinta, crushed from all sides, cries and cries: - Don't push me! - To protect her, the two older children take her in the middle.

«Then Lucia orders to close the umbrellas. Everyone obeys and the Rosary is recited.

«At noon precisely, Lucia made a gesture of surprise, and interrupting the prayer, she exclaimed: - Here she is! Here she is! -

- Look carefully, daughter! See if you're not wrong - the mother whispered, visibly distressed ... Lucia, however, no longer heard her: she had entered into ecstasy. - "The girl's face became more beautiful than it was, taking a red complexion and thinning her lips" - an eyewitness declared in the trial (13 November 1917).

«The apparition was shown in the usual place to the three lucky children, while those present saw, three times, forming around them and then rising in the air up to the height of five or six meters a white cloud like incense.

«Lucia repeats the question again: - Who are you, and what do you want from me?

And the vision finally answered to be Our Lady of the Rosary and to want a chapel in his honor there; he recommended for the sixth time that they continued to recite the Rosary every day, adding that the war (World War I) was about to end and the soldiers would not be long in returning to their homes.

«Here Lucia, who had received supplications from many people to present to Our Lady, said: - I would have many things to ask you ... -.

And Ella: she would have granted some, the others not; and immediately returning to the central point of his message:

- They must amend, ask for forgiveness of their sins!

And taking a sadder look, with a pleading voice:

- Let them no longer offend Our Lord, who is already too offended.

«Lucia will write: -“ The words of the Virgin, in this apparition, which more deeply remained impressed in my heart, were those in which our Most Holy Mother of Heaven asked: that God, our Lord, who is already too much, no longer be offended offended!

What loving lament these words contain and what tender supplication! Oh! how I wish it would resound all over the world, and that all the children of the Mother of Heaven would listen to his living voice! ".

“It was the last word, the essence of the Fatima message.

«In taking leave (the seers were convinced that this had been the last appearance), he opened his hands which were reflected in the sun or, as the two little ones expressed themselves, he indicated the sun with his finger.
The solar prodigy
«Lucia automatically translated that gesture shouting: - Look at the sun!

«Wonderful, unique show, never seen!

The rain ceases immediately, the clouds are torn apart and the solar disk appears, like a silver moon, then it whirls around like a fire wheel, projecting beams of yellow, green, red, blue, purple light in every direction ... that fantastically color the clouds of the sky, the trees, the rocks, the earth, the immense crowd. He stops for a few moments, then starts his dance of light again, like a very rich pinwheel, made by the most skilled pyrotechnicians. He stops again to begin a third time more varied, more colorful, brighter than the firework.

«The ecstatic multitude, without saying a word, contemplates! Suddenly everyone has the feeling that the sun is breaking away from the firmament and rushing over them! A single, immense cry erupts from every breast; it translates everyone's terror, and in the various exclamations it expresses the different feelings: - Miracle, miracle! - exclaim some. - "I believe in God" - the others shout - Ave Maria - some pray. - My God, mercy! - implore the majority and, falling on their knees in the mud, they recite the act of contrition aloud.

"And this show, clearly divided into three periods, lasts 10 minutes and is well seen by about 70 people: believers and unbelievers, simple peasants and educated citizens, scientists, newspaper correspondents, and not a few self-styled free thinkers ...

Furthermore, from the process it is deduced that the prodigy was observed by people who were five and more kilometers away and who could not undergo any suggestion: others then attest that, having, during all the time, kept their eyes fixed on the visionaries to spy on them the smallest movements could follow the wonderful changes of sunlight on them. "And there is still in the process this other circumstance not despicable, attested by many, that is, by those who were questioned about it: after the solar phenomenon noticed with surprise that their clothes, just before soaked in water had dried completely . «Why all these wonders? Evidently to convince himself of the truth of the apparitions and of the exceptional importance of the heavenly message, of which the Mother of Mercy was the bearer.
Vision of the Holy Family
"While the huge crowd split up ... the first phase of the solar phenomenon, the visionaries rejoiced a very different show.

«In the fifth apparition Our Lady had promised them to return in October with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus. Now, having taken their leave of the Virgin, the children continued to follow her with her eyes as she ascended in the background of the sunlight: and when she disappeared in the immense distance of space, the Holy Family is shown next to the sun.

«On the right, the Virgin dressed in white with a cerulean cloak, and her most splendid face more than the sun; on the left St. Joseph with the Child, apparently from one to two years of age, who seemed to bless the world with the hand gesture in the form of a cross. Disappearance then this vision, Lucia saw even our Lord blessing the people, and again Our Lady and this in several ways: - It seemed the Sorrows, without the sword in the chest; and I think I have seen yet another figure: the Madonna del Carmine.

«To confirm the historical truth of the prodigy of the sun, see the sober description of the phenomenon made by the Bishop of Leiria in the Pastoral Letter on the Cult of Our Lady of Fatima (p. 11).

"This phenomenon that no astronomical observatory has recorded and therefore was not natural, has been observed by people of all categories and social classes ...

«We add the testimony of Dr. Almeide Garrete, professor of the University of Coimbra.

«- I arrived in at noon. The rain, which from the morning fell minute and persistent, now driven by an angry wind, continued irritating, threatening to submerge everything.

I stopped on the road ... which overlooks a little the place they said was that of the apparition. It was a little over a hundred meters ...

Now the rain was pouring down on their heads and running down their clothes, it drenched them.

It was almost two sundials (shortly after the astronomical noon). A few moments earlier the sun had radiantly broken the dense layer of clouds that veiled it, and all eyes were almost attracted to him by a magnet.

I too tried to stare at it and saw it resembling a disk with clear contours, shining but without glare.

It seemed not exact comparisons do there that I felt the same in Fatima, a tarnished silver disc. No; its appearance was of a clear and iridescent light that seemed to be the orient of a pearl.

It was not at all like a moon in a clear night, having neither its color nor its chiaroscuro. It looked like a burnished wheel, made from the silver valves of a shell.

This is not poetry; my eyes have seen so.

Not even you could be confused with the sun seen through the fog of this there was no trace, and besides, the sun disc was not confused or still hazy, but it stood out sharp in its bottom and circumference.

This disc, variegated and shining, seemed to have the vertigo of motion. It was not the twinkle of the bright star light. He turned on himself with overwhelming speed. Suddenly a clamor echoes from all those people, like a cry of anguish.

The sun, keeping the speed of its rotation, detaches itself from the firmament, and sanguine advances towards the earth threatening to crush under the weight of its igneous and huge size.

They are seconds of terrifying impression ... All these phenomena that I mentioned and described, I observed them, cold, serene, without any emotion. Others have to explain or interpret them ».

«Moreover, the entire periodical press dealt extensively with the events, in particular with the" solar miracle ". The two articles of the Século made a great sensation (13 and 15 October 1917)

"In full supernatural: the apparitions of Fatima" and "Amazing things: Dance of the sun in full noon in Fatima", because the author, Avellino D'Almeida, main editor of the newspaper, despite the ostentatious disbelief and sectarianism, had to make homage to the truth; which then attracted him the arrows of "Free Thought" ».

In the book of Fr. De Fonseca the phenomenon of that Saturday 13 October 1917 in Fatima is so well described: the prodigious miracle of the sun; and the concise comment on the message of Our Lady of the Rosary is clear, and therefore on the meaning of the miracle.
The "sign in the sun" at the Tre Fontane
Well exactly thirty-three years after the apparition of the Virgin of the Revelation of April 12, 1947 and, precisely, on the same day of Saturday in albis April 12, 1980, the prodigious event was repeated at the Tre Fontane: the sun changed color, at its internal signs have appeared, the earth has issued a very intense aroma, a badly burned child is healed.

People gathered on the anniversary of the apparition (about 4.000 people) pray, pray the Rosary, still listens once the personal confession of Cornacchiola and re-enactment of the events of that distant April 12, 1947.

The Holy Mass officiated by the conventual father Gustavo Patriciani has begun…

Then the consecration in a silence that has become profound. Suddenly, with a sudden movement of the crowd and a buzz that soon becomes a cry: - There is something in the sun.

In fact, the sun has changed color. The emotion is indescribable. The sphere of the star no longer has rays, it is phosphorescent green, in the beautiful clear, clear sky. The color changes: now the sun is glowing, but something happens inside; it is no longer solid, it all seems like incandescent, boiling magma. People shout, move: the echo of many exclamations can be heard from the cave.

Those present, gathered in prayer in front of the statue of the Madonna, saw a ray of sunshine spring from the green cloak of the statue and then heard the cry of a boy, Marco D'Alessandro, 9 years old, not yet completed, Neapolitan, seriously burned January 27 last year ... I felt a strange sensation in his leg ... After five difficult surgery to make the tissue grafts, was still in a bad way ... Now it's healed.

- We continue the story of the eyewitness, journalist Giuseppina Sciascia, published in the weekly Alba, VI, May 9, 1980, at pages 16-19.

«The sun keeps changing. It seems, at some point, to become bigger, to get closer to the earth: it is a dramatic moment. I saw two children hugging each other, hiding their faces. They are afraid. I thought of Fatima, of the sun miracle of prophecies. To that third secret not yet revealed, which perhaps concerns the future of humanity. Beside me, an old woman murmurs: - God save us from war -.

Then I see many people on a nearby hill; I go there too. With me are started Vittorio Pavone, an official of the Interior Ministry retired and his sister Milena, a surgeon.

The sun seems to melt: simmers incessantly inside an incandescent magma ... There are more beams. And inside there is a tingling of dark spots that seem to attract and reunite. Lines have formed. It is a capital "M".

I checked the accuracy of my impression with two newlyweds next to me. I'm on my honeymoon, he's graduating in engineering.

He saw the "M" and all the previous phenomena. He murmurs: - Still, I'm not dreaming; I also pinched myself, to make sure I was awake! -.

- He does not believe - explains his wife - but what is happening puts him in crisis.

The sun is still there, above the treetops that rise, and lilac-colored, with concentric halos that make the sky a strange color, to indigo. Everyone remembers Fatima. Our Lady of Revelation is the Madonna of the Apocalypse (Apoc. 12).

Then, in the sun the abbreviation IHS (Jesus Homo Salvator), with the figure of the great Host being consecrated in the Mass. It is the sun that is there; without following its course from 17,5 to 18,20 (summer time).

The sun starts spinning again. A group of kneeling pilgrims invokes: - Virgin of Revelation, save peace! -

People have interpreted the message, believed to understand the meaning of the sign in the sky: to stop offending God, prayer, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, if you want to avoid the serious punishment of the third war - as in the secret message Fatima -. We must all be better because we are all in danger: the time of the tremendous punishment is nearer.

It is getting evening. There is still an intense perfume in the air, made of violets, of lilies ».

The Roman newspaper Il Tempo, Monday 14 April 1980, on p. 4: Chronicle of Rome, reports the story of what happened at the Three Fountains: At the Shrine of the Three Fountains hundreds of people talk about miracle ... They say, "The sun had liquefied" "During the evening Mass, the thirtieth anniversary of the Marian apparition, many believers believed to see extraordinary luminous phenomena. Radiant images and symbolic figures at sunset. Sincere testimonials. A little girl made a drawing of what she saw; and the newspaper publishes the three drawings and on the right the photo of the little girl.

The same newspaper Il Tempo, Sunday, June 8, 1980 on page three, returned to the subject: Rodolfi gifts, miracles still happen ?, article by three columns.

The answer is certainly positive; the columnist leaves everything in the alternative: for the faithful, for the believer no difficulty, the miracle is continuous, it may well be said, in the Roman Catholic Church. B. Pascal already pointed this out in his "Thoughts".

But for the liberal, to the unbeliever, and so on, it remains a question mark, unexplained is what is testified by hundreds of witnesses, people of every class, of every rank ...

Doni still remembers the first decisive miracle of the Resurrection of Jesus. Yet, as I wrote in the volume on the subject: The Resurrection of Jesus, Rovigo 1979, the fact of the Resurrection, like any miracle, can be ascertained historically, therefore being the subject of the practical, almost tangible observation. And let me explain. Every miracle is an extraordinary event that occurs at any given moment. All the above can be ascertained, documented; so equally what comes after that moment. Provided that all these data are flawlessly clear to us, we can safely establish the fact, that is, what has happened.

Here is the Resurrection of Jesus: we know the details of his Crucifixion, his Death; we know the details of his burial, that is, how it was wrapped in a sheet with aloe and myrrh and tied with bands that made the sheet adhere to the body (a bit like a child is wrapped); on the head was placed the shroud (the size of a napkin, the margins of which ended tied around the neck); we know how the sepulcher was built: archeology has given us many back; there is still the interesting detail: the Jewish leaders obtain from Pilate soldiers to guard the round millstone that closed the entrance to the tomb, after having placed their seal on it.

All these precise details constitute what precedes the moment, the decisive point.

In the morning the soldiers find that the large sealed round grindstone rolls under their eyes, the tomb is thus open to their eyes; to the gaze of the pious women who, taking a look, note that the body is no longer in the sepulcher.

Peter and John arrive, that is, the head of the Apostles and the favorite apostle, who, advised by the Magdalene: - They have stolen the body of the Lord -, rush and behold their testimony.

In the sepulcher, they find the linens in which the body of the Lord had been tied, they remain there intact, as they had been wrapped on Friday evening, under the eyes of John himself; the shroud was there, wrapped as it had been wrapped on the head of the Divine Dead, and tightly tied around the neck, in the same position as before: only that the linens, the shroud lay flattened.

So nobody had been able to touch them. Yet the body of the deceased was no longer in those linens; he had come out of it, as he had come out of the sealed sepulcher. The angel had rolled away the stone that closed the entrance just to allow the soldiers, the disciples to find that Jesus was no longer in those linens.

The apparitions follow (see chapters 19 and 20 of the Gospel of St. John and the chapters of the other three Evangelists Matthew, Mark and Luke who agree on these details). Risen Jesus, with the same body, with wounds on the side, in the hands, but glorious now, who moves like thought ...

The historian is offered the demonstration, I would say the notarial deed, of the very act of the Resurrection.

Historical fact, given the testimony of the two apostles who observe everything with meticulous care and simply report what they saw, found.

The good journalist R. Doni to the question Are miracles still happening? recalls Lourdes. There is a team of international doctors who scientifically record the miracles that continue to occur on the spot. What do they attest? Here, a patient arrives: medical records, plates, etc., leave no doubt, it is, for example, a third stage tuberculosis (as for the patient who was cured, the incredulous Zola present). Well; he goes to the cave, is placed in front of the Basilica, passes the Bishop, or the priest and gives the blessing with the Blessed Sacrament on each sick person. The tuberculosis patient gets up, feels healed. It is reported by those same doctors who had ascertained the seriousness of the illness, and who now after the careful tests, find that his illness has disappeared, suddenly, instantly disappeared.

This observation is enough; the certain anterior diagnosis and now, immediately after, the opposite diagnosis. This finding is enough. Science cannot possibly explain how such healing occurred: no natural explanation is possible. Only the Omnipotence of God, absolute master of the Universe has made the healing: it is the only possible conclusion.

In Fatima, as in the Tre Fontane, thousands of people see, witness the prodigy in the sun.

And there is more. In both Fatima and the Three Fountains, "a miracle" is announced.

On November 7, 1979 - five months before April 12 - Bruno Cornacchiola says he had had the twenty-third apparition: Our Lady would have told him - reports Doni - (I transcribe from the diary that he exceptionally let me see in that passage): - « For the anniversary of my coming to the cave, on April 12 Saturday in albis, this year will be the same date, with the same day: I will do many operations and internal and external graces in those who faithfully ask them ... you pray and be strong : at the cave I will do a great prodigy in the sun; you keep quiet and don't tell anyone »-.

Cornacchiola spoke of this apparition and of the announcement to two people: to his confessor and to Mother Prisca, the Superior of the community, who confirms this.

Internal thanks and conversions. «Mr. Camillo Camillucci who, not being a practitioner, had gone to the Tre Fontane to satisfy his wife, declared that the phenomenon he witnessed completely transformed his life.

"I also thought it was an optical illusion" - said Mr. Cammillucci - "so I tried to lower and raise my eyes several times, but I always saw the same show. I am grateful to my wife - he concluded - for having forced me to follow her ».

"While a hundred of the people present - as S. Nofri writes, The signs in the sun, Marian Propaganda, Rome 1982, p. 12 - they did not see anything, they could not look at the sun (for the splendor), they were not allowed to see the prodigy, thus confirming that it is not a natural phenomenon, some people saw it even though they were not on the eucalypti hill ; just as happened to Mrs. Rosa Zambone Maurízio, residing in Alassio (Savona), who being in Rome for business, at that time was passing through Via Laurentina, near the Tre Fontane.

We reread the c. Isaiah 46: Jahweh speaks against the idols of Babylon:

«Everyone invokes him, but does not answer: (the idol) does not free anyone from his anguish. Remember this and act as a man; think about it, or bullies. Remember the facts of ancient times because I am God and there is no other. I am God, nothing is equal to me.

From the beginning I announce the end (the miracle of prophecy, sign, index of the true God) and, much earlier, what has not been [yet accomplished; I who say: "My plan remains valid, I will accomplish my every will!"

... So I spoke and so it will happen; I designed it, so I will. "

Throughout the second part of his book (cc 40-G5), Isaiah insists on this characteristic of the true God: who predicts, long before they occur, the various events. It is the miracle of prophecy.
The prodigy of the sun is repeated
Again at the Tre Fontane: April 12, 1982, Easter Monday, from 18 to 18,40 summer time, the sun miracle lasts.

Also this time, precedes the recitation of the holy Rosary, by the crowd gathered on the hill of the eucalypti, inside, in front, all around the cave: large crowd, calculated about 10 thousand people.

So Cornacchiola narrates his life: an autobiography which is an exaltation of God's mercy manifested so extraordinarily through the Mother of the Savior.

A few moments later the celebration of the Holy Mass begins: a concelebration of about 30 priests presided over by Mons. Pietro Bianchi, of the Vicariate of Rome.

When we move on to the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament, the prodigy begins in the sun.

«I look at the sun - narrates the ocular witness S. Nofri, in his booklet, already mentioned, on p. 25 s. -. Now I can fix it. It is bright, but with a brightness that does not hurt the eyes ..

I see a shiny disc of a beautiful blue color!

Its circumference is delimited by a border that has the color of gold: a circle of brilliants! And the rays have the color of roses ... And at times that blue disk turns on itself. At times its brightness increases. It increases when it seems to detach itself from the sky, come forward and go back.

At 18,25, the blue was replaced by green. Now the sun is a big green disk ... I notice that people's faces are intermittently colored. As if from above a spotlight was blasting pink beams of light. It is the reflection of those rays. They tell me that my face is also colored.

... 18,30: The huge lighthouse with green light is always there, in the same point in the sky. 18,35:18,15 pm: it is always there, where it was at XNUMX:XNUMX pm, when I was able to fix it personally. Nobody is tired of watching.

(But someone next to me is complaining. He is a middle-aged man who can't stare at the sun. He knows, yes, he too, that the sun is still in the same place, but he can't hold his light ... After a bit 'away, disheartened, seems to be ashamed of not seeing what I see and everyone else around us).

18,40:12. Now the green fades, the white necklace and the pink rays are gone. The show is over. The sun returns to be the sun, the sun of all time. That cannot be fixed. And what time - being the time - will have to go and hide behind the eucalypti. And in fact it goes away. But - unheard of - it does not go down slowly, as it does every day ... No, it disappears, suddenly, thus regaining time ... remained motionless. Suddenly he goes to the point where he must be on April 18,40 at XNUMX pm (summer time).

Thousands of people have therefore been able to observe, stare at the sun from 18 pm, the beginning of the prodigy, until 18,40 pm, when it ended. A phenomenon within the phenomenon. The sun remained motionless in the same place on the sky

Among the testimonies reported by Nofri, I transcribe the one given by Mons. Osvaldo Balducci.

- «During the Holy Mass, at the moment of the communion of the faithful, several shouts arose from the crowd:" the sun, the sun ".

The sun could be fixed very well, it was a dazzling green disk inserted between two rings, one white and one pink, which emitted very vivid and throbbing rays. I also had the impression that it rotated. People and things reflected a show of colors. I looked at the sun ... without any eye ailments. Returning home, in the car, together with other people who like me had been able to stare at the sun, we tried several times to look at it, but it was not possible even for a moment.

On the morning of the same day, April 12, 1982, with a small group of clergymen, I had listened to the reading of a message given by the Madonna to Bruno Cornacchiola on February 23, 1982. Among other things, the prophecy of a second attack on the life of the Pope, who, however, thanks to the protection of the Virgin, would have remained unharmed. The prophecy came true: on May 12, 1982, an attempt was made to kill His Holiness in Fatima.

Bruno Cornacchiola, that morning, had also specified that John Paul II had been promptly notified of it by confidential means! "- (p. 34).

The weekly Alba, 7 May 1982, pp. 47, 60, under the heading "The facts of hope", reports the report by Giuseppina Sciascia, who was present at the phenomenon: - "Once again, as two years ago, the sun swirled and changed color in the sky above the Sanctuary delle Tre Fontane where 35 years ago the Madonna appeared to the Roman tramman Bruno Cornacchiola. Thousands of pilgrims - including our correspondent - witnessed the prodigy. Here is the story and the many testimonies "-.

Also this time, the phenomenon had been announced. Among the spectators: a French Dominican father P. Auvray, a Msgr. of the Secretariat of State, Msgr. Del Ton, another, who presides as Undersecretary to one of the Roman Congregations; the provincial Mother of an Institute of Sisters, a group of the disciples of the Upper Room: with all these I was able to speak separately, and collect their testimonies, which substantially agree with those reported above.

As for Fatima, I will therefore repeat the question posed by Fr. De Fonseca: «Why this wonderful sign in the sky, in the sun? ». With the identical answer: "Evidently to convince us of the truth of the apparitions and the exceptional importance of the heavenly message ...".

I add: "To remind the forgetful that that tremendous thing hangs over humanity. punishment heralded in the third secret: to exhort them with maternal solicitude to reform their own conduct; we must all be better; "No longer offend Our Lord, who is already too offended"; the time of punishment is approaching ...

One last consideration. Bruno Cornacchiola has indeed been chosen for this mission of prophet.

He fulfills this mission faithfully, with strength: always docile to the directives of his spiritual director; animated by a real zeal for the salvation of souls; but, above all, ardent with zeal, for love, devotion to the Most Holy Virgin; to Jesus our Lord and Redeemer; absolute love and dedication to the Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Jesus, and to the Church.

Faithfulness and love that made him successfully overcome all tests and humiliations, sufferings of the spirit, of all sorts.

Let's listen to their warnings; we welcome the message of the Virgin of Revelation with gratitude.

As for the nature of the "solar" phenomenon, we are reminded of the star or star that guided the Magi to Bethlehem, even to the house where the Holy Family lived: the Child Jesus, with the Holy Virgin, his mother, and Saint Joseph.

Here is the Gospel text:

- When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, at the time of King Herod, behold, Magi from the East arrived in Jerusalem and asked:

- Where is the king of the Jews who was born? We saw his star in the east and came to worship him.

At this news the king Herod was troubled and with him all Jerusalem; and summoned

all the Arch-priests and Scribes of the people and asked them where the Christ was to be born. And they said to him:

- In Bethlehem of Judea, according to Micah's prophecy ... (Mi. 5, 1-3).

Then Herod ... to the Magi:

- Go and look for the child diligently; then, when you have found it, come and tell me, so that I too can go to worship it.

And they, listening to the king, left. And behold, the star they had seen in the East began to go ahead of them until it reached the place where the child was and stopped above. To see the star they felt a very joyful joy. And when they entered the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother, adored him and offered him gold, frankincense and myrrh as a gift. Then, warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another way "(Matt. 2, -12).

Here is the summary comment, proposed by me in the book of the life of Jesus “.

- Magan, "participant of the gift" which was the doctrine of Zaratustra, that is, his followers. Guided by a vision of the internal senses, by a star that preceded them throughout their journey from the east, they reach Jerusalem ... we have seen its star, and we have come to pay homage to it ... The star who had led them to Jerusalem, now that they are leaving for Bethlehem, reappears and guides them to the house where the Holy Family dwells ».

It is therefore a star, a star, present by God in those pious followers of Zaratustra, who illumined internally about the birth of the Messiah, set off "from the East" following the vision of the inner senses.

In fact, it is otherwise inexplicable, of course, the appearance of this star, or star, or comet - as we tried to understand it - that when it arrived in Jerusalem, it changes direction moving from north to south (Betlem), and so close to the earth from indicate the house and stop there.

A scientist, the well-known Mons. Giambattista Alfano, Vita di Gesù, according to history, archeology and science, Naples 1959, pp. 45-50.

After exposing the various proposed solutions: 1) the hypothesis of the new star (Goodrike); 2) the conjunction of the two planets Jupiter and Saturn (Giovanni Keplero, Federic Munter, Ludovic Ideler); 3) the geocentric conjunction Venus-Jupiter (Stockwell, 1892); 4) the hypothesis of a periodic comet, and it was assumed that the star of Betlem was Halley's comet (proposed by the astronomer Halley + 1742 himself; and recently the Argentieri took it up again, When Jesus Christ lived , Milan 1945, p. 96); 5) a non-periodic comet (ancient hypothesis that goes back to Origen); and after having demonstrated the impossibility of agreeing the respective hypothesis with the data of the sacred text, the author concludes:

- We just have to turn our ideas to a supernatural intervention. Probably the most acceptable hypothesis is the following: that a luminous meteor arose, by divine work, in the East, heading towards Palestine. The Magi, because they were custodians of astrological traditions, or because they were enlightened by God, reported it to the prophecy of Balaam on the birth of a great expected King; and they followed her ...

It was a whole series of miraculous demonstrations (from Jerusalem to Bethlehem) ... The star of the Magi was a special and wonderful work of God ... ».

Intervention, the work of God, certainly. The alternative remains, between the vision of the external senses, with a real celestial body; or vision only of the internal senses, so there is nothing outside. Work of God, always; but which acts only in man. We have already illustrated above with examples of the visions of the inner senses in Isaiah, Ezekiel and the other prophets.

Perhaps we can conclude in the same way for the great phenomenon in the sun in Fatima and the Three Fountains.

Texts taken from various sources: Cornacchiola Biography, SACRED; The Beautiful Lady of the Three Fountains by father Angelo Tentori; The life of Bruno Cornacchiola by Anna Maria Turi; ...

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