The Virgin with this prayer promises difficult graces

1. Our Lady of Sorrows, in meditating on the words that the holy old Simeon said to you in the presentation in the Temple of your Son Jesus: "And also to you a sword will pierce the soul" (Lk 2,35) make me understand yours pain and get me to always know how to pity those who suffer in soul and body.

Holy Mary…

Holy Mother, deh you do, that the wounds of the Lord are impressed on my heart ...

2. Our Lady of Sorrows, when Herod ordered the massacre of the children to kill even your Son Jesus how much pain you felt in your mother's heart for so many innocent deaths. Get this humanity to know how to respect, encourage, promote life from conception to natural death.

Holy Mary…

Holy Mother, deh you do, that the wounds of the Lord are impressed on my heart ...

3. Our Lady of Sorrows, when you noticed the disappearance of your Son Jesus, great was the pain and anxiety in looking for him for three days until you found him in the temple in Jerusalem, while discussing with the doctors of the Law. Get those who live far from your Son to find the way of the Church by listening to the Word of God.

Holy Mary…

Holy Mother, deh, you make the wounds of the Lord imprinted on my heart ...

4. Virgin of Sorrows. when on calvary you saw your Son Jesus lying on the cross, stripped of his clothes, how much pain and shame you felt! In feeling him insulted and mocked how much bitterness in your Mother's heart! Get, to those who are dedicated to treating those who suffer, sensitivity, availability and love, and to all, respect for those who are in a state of marginalization.

Holy Mary…

Holy Mother, deh, you make the wounds of the Lord imprinted on my heart ...

5. Virgin of Sorrows, you who at the foot of the cross received the last words of your Son Jesus: "Woman, here is your son", never take your merciful eyes off us sinners and get us to close the story of our earthly life in peace with God and the brothers, comforted by the sacraments and assisted by your presence.

Holy Mary…

Holy Mother, deh, you make the wounds of the Lord imprinted on my heart ...

6. Virgin of Sorrows, when the soldier's sword pierced the side of your Son Jesus, yours too was torn by pain, as old Simeon had predicted. Get those who are obstinate in sin to open their hearts to Grace and to all sensitivity to the needs of others without closing in on their selfishness.

Holy Mary…

Holy Mother, deh, you make the wounds of the Lord imprinted on my heart ...

7. Virgin of Sorrows, when you laid the body of your Son Jesus in the sepulcher you certainly did not lose faith and hope in the resurrection. You also obtain for us to always keep faith in eternal life and in the resurrection of the dead alive, so that the tomb may be considered by all as only a pause in anticipation of the resurrection and eternal glory.

Holy Mary…

Holy Mother, deh, you make the wounds of the Lord imprinted on my heart ...

Let's pray

O God, who to redeem mankind, seduced by the deceptions of the evil one, associated the Sorrowful Mother with the passion of your Son, make all the children of Adam, healed by the devastating effects of guilt, participate in the renewed creation in Christ the Redeemer . He is God, and lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for all the ages of the ages. Amen.