The vocation of Jesus: a hidden life

“Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given to him? What powerful actions are performed by his hands! "Mark 6: 2

People who knew Jesus from his youth were suddenly amazed by his wisdom and powerful actions. They were amazed at everything he said and did. They knew him as he grew up, he knew his parents and other relatives and, consequently, he found it hard to understand how their neighbor was suddenly so impressive in his words and actions.

One thing that reveals is that while Jesus was growing up, he apparently lived a very hidden life. It is clear that the people of his own city were unaware that he was a special person. This is clear because once Jesus began his public ministry of preaching and performing powerful deeds, the people of his own city were confused and even amazed. They did not expect all this "this" from Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, it is clear that during his first thirty years, he lived a normal and ordinary daily life.

What can we take from this intuition? First, it reveals that sometimes God's will for us is to live a very "normal" and ordinary life. It is easy to think that we should do "great" things for God. Yes it is true. But the great things he calls us to are sometimes simply living normal daily life well. There is no doubt that during the hidden life of Jesus he lived a life of perfect virtue. But many in his own city did not recognize this virtue. It was not yet the Father's will that His virtue be manifested for all to see.

Secondly, we see that there has indeed been a time when its mission has changed. The will of the Father, in a moment of his life, was to be suddenly projected into public opinion. And when that happened, people noticed.

These same realities are true for you. Most are called to live day after day in a somewhat hidden way. Know that these are the moments when you are called to grow by virtue, to do small hidden things well and enjoy the peaceful rhythm of ordinary life. But you should also be aware of the possibility that God may, from time to time, call you out of your comfort zone and act in a more public way. The key is to be ready and attentive to his will and plan for you. Be ready and willing to let it be used in a new way if it is His divine will.

Reflect today on God's will for your life right now. What does he want from you? Is he calling you out of your comfort zone to live a more public life? Or is he calling you, right now, to live a more hidden life while growing in virtue? Be grateful for whatever His will is for you and embrace it with all your heart.

Sir, thank you for your perfect plan for my life. I thank you for the many ways that call me to serve you. Help me to be always open to your will and to say "Yes" every day, whatever you ask. Jesus I believe in you.