Satan's action on you and the people you care about

The Demon, as said on several occasions, is not a symbolic representation of Evil, but a concrete entity that acts in an equally concrete way, decisively affecting people, animals, and things. Its field of action is therefore very vast, and if we wish to classify its potential, we could refer to Don Tullio Rotondo. According to the famous exorcist, the devil works in six distinct ways:


In this case, the devil takes on a person by operating from the outside through beatings and falls of objects (the testimonies of saints and blesseds who have undergone all sorts of harassment by the devil are numerous).


In the event that the devil acts internally to the unfortunate, we witness scientifically inexplicable phenomena, limited only to a few moments, even if the possessions can last for years. The possessed person can speak languages ​​he does not know, he can speak backwards, throw up objects of any kind (dolls, puppets, nails, hammers), he can be endowed with a force such as to break iron chains, law in thought, he can be subject levitating.


Diabolical harassment often results in possessions, and occurs from symptoms similar to depression. The mood of the victim is grayed up to desire complete isolation from others, and mature suicidal thoughts.


Very similar to harassment, they differ from them because they act above all on a dream level, offering the obsessed person recurring thoughts and images that reduce him to a state of permanent depression. The objection is clear: these are disorders of the psyche. But neither psychiatrists nor scientists in these cases manage to solve anything. The joint prayers of priests and acquaintances have proved effective.


The Demon also has the possibility to occupy an environment (a house, an office, a shop, entire crops) or to take possession of some objects (the most recurrent are dolls, beds, cars) and wild or domestic animals.

All the previous cases are independent of the will of those affected. If, on the other hand, someone consciously decides to forge an alliance with Satan, he is immersing himself of his own free will in a diabolical subjection.