Satan's confessions during an exorcism


This is what Satan confessed in a great exorcism made by Don Giuseppe Tomaselli
Who does not know Don Tomaselli, who died in the concept of holiness. A great missionary rich in God, a priest who spent a lifetime on the dedication of the things of heaven, writing many books in simple language so that his message could reach everyone. Here is what Satan confessed to him with such pride and arrogance:

Satan's confession
“Don't you see that his kingdom (of Jesus) is crumbling and mine is growing day by day on the ruins of his? Try to make a balance between his followers and mine, between those who believe in his truths and those who follow my doctrines, between those who observe his law and those who embrace mine. Just think of the progress that I am making through militant atheism, which is His total rejection. Still a short time and the world will fall in adoration before me. It will be completely mine.

Think of the devastation that I am carrying among you mainly by using its ministers. I have unleashed in his flock a spirit of confusion and revolt that I have never been able to achieve so far. You have that (…) of yours dressed in white that every day chats, shouts, blaters. But who listens to it? I have the whole world listening to my messages and applauding and following them. I have everything on my side. I have the professorships with which I have checked your philosophy. I have the politics that disrupt you. I have class hatred that tears you apart. I have earthly interests, the ideal of a paradise on earth that fosters you with each other. I put in your body a thirst for money and pleasures that drives you crazy and is seducing you in a hodgepodge of murderers. I have unleashed among you a sensuality that is making you an endless herd of pigs. I have the drug that will soon make you a mass of miserable larvae, fools and dying.

I took you to practice the abortion with which you massacre men before they are born. All that can ruin you I will not leave unturned, and I get what I want: injustices at all levels to keep you in a state of constant exasperation; chain wars that devastate everything and bring you to the slaughterhouse like sheep; and together with this the despair of not being able to free yourself from the misfortunes with which I must lead you to destruction. I know how far men's stupidity goes, and I use it to the full. To the redemption of what has been killed for you beasts I have replaced that of slaughtering rulers, and you throw yourselves in their wake like stupid sheep. With my promises of things that you will never have I managed to blind you, to make you lose your head, to take you where I want. Remember that I hate you infinitely, as I hate him who created you. "

Dear brothers, this is not fantasy but reality, and satan with all his demonic hosts play on the fact that nobody believes it. It is actually their winning weapon. If we believed in its existence we would think twice before making a mistake. It is precisely this conviction that leads us to make mistakes, to commit sins for sins, to give a damn to the great love that Jesus gives us every day, to abuse his Mercy. I hope that this writing can open your heart to true and pure conversion, made of love and sincere repentance. Satan like a roaring lion, goes around looking for someone to devour ”(1Pt 5,8).