The promises of Jesus for this devotion to his Holy Face

Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the devotees of His Holy Face

1 °. They, thanks to My humanity imprinted in them, will obtain inwardly a living reflection of My Divinity and will be radiated so intimately that, thanks to the resemblance with My Face, they will shine in eternal life more than many other souls.

2nd. I will restore to them, at the point of death, the image of God disfigured by sin.

3rd. By venerating My Face in spirit of atonement, they will be as pleasing to me as Saint Veronica, they will render me a service equal to hers and I will imprint My Divine Features in their soul.

4th. This adorable Face is like the seal of Divinity, which has the power to print the image of God in the souls who turn to It.

5th. The more they care to restore My Face disfigured by insults and impiety, the more I will take care of their disfigured by sin. I will imprint you again in My image and make this soul as beautiful as at the moment of Baptism.

6th. By offering My Face to the Eternal Father. They will appease the Divine anger and obtain the conversion of sinners (as with a large coin)

7th. Nothing will be refused to them when they offer My Holy Face.

8th. I will speak to My Father of all their wishes.

9th. They will work wonders through My Holy Face. I will enlighten them with My Light, surround them with My Love, and grant them perseverance for good.

10 °. I will never abandon them. I will be with My Father, the advocate of all those who with the word, the prayer or the pen, will support My cause in this work of reparation. At the point of death I will purify their soul from all the filth of sin and make them primitive beauty. (Extract from the lives of S. Geltrude and S. Matilde) Monastero S. Vincenzo M.

Benedictine Monks Silvestrini Via S. Vincenzo, 88 01030 BASSANO ROMANO (VT) Tel. 0761 63 40 07 fax 0761 63 47 34