The seven and holy blessings. They release more than you think

Place yourself in the presence of God, ask Padre Pio to grant us to pray through his heart so that our prayer will be fully accepted in Divine Mercy.

Clear the heart of grudges, hatreds and any sentiment that is in contrast with the divine precept of love and if we do not fully succeed, humble ourselves deeply by asking that Jesus have mercy on this too. He knows that we were drawn from the mud and we are not as he deserves yet.

Blessings can be done both on oneself and on others, indeed for sufferings due to external actions it is beautiful and it is so beneficial for oneself to bless those who have been the cause of physical or moral sufferings.

Note: (in the blessings that follow the sign of the cross it is done only once).

1. Bless me the power of the Heavenly Father + the wisdom of the divine Son + the love of the Spirit + Holy. Amen.

2. Bless me crucified Jesus, through his most precious Blood. In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Spirit + Holy. Amen.

3. Bless me Jesus from the tabernacle, through the love of his divine Heart, in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Spirit + Holy. Amen.

4. May Mary from Heaven, Heavenly Mother and Queen bless me and fill my soul with a greater love for Jesus. In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Spirit + Holy. Amen.

5. Bless my guardian angel, and may all the holy angels come to my aid to repel the attacks of evil spirits. In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Spirit + Holy. Amen.

6. May my patron saints bless me, my patron saint of baptism and all the saints of Heaven. In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Spirit + Holy. Amen.

7. May the souls of Purgatory and those of my deceased bless me. May they be my intercessors at the throne of God so that I can reach the eternal homeland. In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Spirit + Holy. Amen.

May the blessing of the Holy Mother Church, of our Holy Father Pope John Paul II, the blessing of our Bishop ... ...

the blessing of all the bishops and priests of the Lord, and this blessing, as it is spread by every Holy Sacrifice of the altar, descends on me every day, protects me from all evil and gives me the grace of perseverance and a holy death. Amen.

These beautiful blessings can be invoked both on oneself and on others by replacing the "descend on me" with the "descend on you or on you" and parents are strongly advised about their children and family members who are sick and not. Invoking the blessing of God is the task of every Christian because Jesus has recommended much to bless even his enemies. Let us remember the precept "bless and do not curse those who persecute you so that you may be children, true children of your Heavenly Father".

Beautiful blessings to be done on oneself or on others both near and far. I invite you to ask for these blessings on yourself or to send them to others together with a great gratitude to God. Indeed, for the terrible passion of His Son Jesus, totally innocent, unjustly condemned to death for us and who has shed all his blood now it allows us, as children and as redeemed to be blessed and to bless.

Author's note: we not only can, but we must bless every creature with thanksgiving and every situation of life, even if adverse. However, we cannot consecrately bless the things or people who serve or will permanently serve divine worship or liturgy. Only priests and deacons can do this.

Do these holy blessings for you and others by passing them through the heart of St. Pio of Pietrelcina and asking him to make them his own and work for us by joining our prayer.

Prayer for adverse people

Wash or lord Jesus in Your Precious Blood my enemies and continually send on them Your Holy Blessing and the blessing of Mary Immaculate united with those of all the angels and all the Saints. I too join these blessings and bless me and them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Repeat often in persecutions that come from neighbor's malice. It is an effective and liberating prayer more than you think