The seven offerings to the Blood of Jesus Christ to ask for a grace

1. Eternal Father, we offer you the most precious Blood that Jesus shed on the cross and offers every day in the Eucharistic sacrifice, for the glory of your holy name, for the advent of your kingdom and for the salvation of all souls. Glory…

Always be blessed and thanked Jesus, who with his Blood saved us.

2. Eternal Father, we offer you the most precious Blood that Jesus shed on the cross and offers every day in the Eucharistic sacrifice, for the holy Church: for the Supreme Pontiff, the Bishops, the Priests, the Missionaries, the consecrated persons and for all the faithful of God's people. Glory ...

Always be blessed and thanked Jesus, who with his Blood saved us.

3. Eternal Father, we offer you the most precious Blood that Jesus shed on the cross and every day offers in the Eucharistic sacrifice, for the conversion of sinners, for the loving adhesion to your word and for the unity of all Christians. Glory…

Always be blessed and thanked Jesus, who with his Blood saved us.

4. Eternal Father, we offer you the most precious Blood that Jesus shed on the cross and offers every day in the Eucharistic sacrifice, for civil authority, for public morality, for peace and justice among peoples. Glory…

Always be blessed and thanked Jesus, who with his Blood saved us.

5. Eternal Father, we offer you the most precious Blood that Jesus shed on the cross and every day offers in the Eucharistic sacrifice, for the consecration of work and pain, for the poor, the sick, the troubled and for all those who trust in our prayers . Glory…

Always be blessed and thanked Jesus, who with his Blood saved us.

6. Eternal Father, we offer you the most precious Blood that Jesus shed on the cross and every day offers in the Eucharistic sacrifice, for our spiritual and temporal needs, for those of relatives, benefactors and our own enemies. Glory…

Always be blessed and thanked Jesus, who with his Blood saved us.

7. Eternal Father, we offer you the most precious Blood that Jesus shed on the cross and every day offers in the Eucharistic sacrifice, for those who today will pass to another life, for the Souls of purgatory and for their eternal union with Christ in glory. Glory…

Always be blessed and thanked Jesus, who with his Blood saved us.