The stigmata: some stories against the laws of nature

The stigmata, some stories: A surprising fact regarding stigmata are the numerous documented cases in which various natural laws, such as gravity, are suspended. For example, we see in the life of the Servant of God, Domenica Lazzeri (1815-1848). Where a respected observer, Lord Shrewsbury John Talbot, testified in 1837 as he watched Domenica lying in her bed. “Instead of following its natural course, the blood flowed upward over the toes. How would it do if it were suspended on a cross “.

And then, how can those like Maria von Morl(1812-1868) who wore the stigmata continuously for exactly 33 years. (Note again the symbolic number 33) and St. Padre Pio, who bore the stigmata for 50 years. Didn't he develop any kind of infection in the large open wounds on his hands, feet and hips over the course of several decades? How come there has never been a documented case of wound infection. Any of the hundreds of known stigmatics?

At the same time, how can you explain the incredible speed with which the stigmatized wounds of the saint Gemma Galgani (and many others) did they heal every week? Starting Thursday night, Gemma would be swept into ecstasy. He would soon develop the crown of prickly wounds on his forehead. By Friday noon, he would have stigmata on both his hands and feet. Large open wounds that were bleeding profusely, with the bed sheets completely saturated with blood.

At 15pm on Friday, all wounds would stop bleeding and start to close. The next day (Saturday) the wounds would completely heal without scabs. In less than 24 hours, the only evidence of large nail-sized wounds. The afternoon before, it would have been a round, whitish scar, as witnessed and witnessed by numerous people on many occasions. Those interested in the testimonies and drawings of the stigmata of Saint Gemma can find them here.

The stigmata some stories: Teresa Musco died at the age of 33

The stigmata, some stories: Also, in the case of the Italian mystic and stigmatic Teresa Musco (1943-1976), for example, there is photographic evidence in possession. His longtime spiritual director, Father Franco Friend, of Teresa holding one of her stigmatized hands towards a window. Then you can clearly see the light shining through a complete hole, clear through his hand.

Of course, under normal circumstances such an open wound would normally require immediate medical attention. The cause of severe blood loss, and also for the prevention of infection. But this was never necessary in regards to Teresa's stigmata, or any other stigmatization this writer ever had. to read. Indeed, the extent and severity of Teresa's stigma can be clearly seen in the photo on the left. At best, some stigmatists wear baggy gloves, mainly to hide their wounds from onlookers. But the application of antibiotics and extensive bandages is never necessary. How is it possible that such wounds are not infected in people who have carried them continuously for years? The answer is simply that they are not ordinary wounds and they do not come from ordinary means. They have the their origins in God and are supported by Him.