Leo the Great, the Saint of November 10, history and prayer

Tomorrow, Wednesday 10 November 2021, the Church commemorates Leo the Great.

"Imitate the good shepherd, who goes in search of the sheep and brings it back on his shoulders ... behave in such a way that those who are in some way deviated from the truth, regain them to God with the prayers of his church ...".

Pope Leo writes this letter to Timoteo, bishop of Alexandria, on 18 August 460 - a year before his death - offering advice that is the mirror of his life: of a shepherd who does not rage against the rebellious sheep, but uses charity and firmness to bring them back to sheepfold.

His thinking is, in fact. summarized in 2 fundamental passages: "Even when you have to correct, always save love" but above all "Christ is our strength ... with him we will be able to do everything".

It is no coincidence that Leo the Great is known for having confronted Attila, the leader of the Huns, convincing him - armed only with the papal cross - not to march on Rome and to retreat beyond the Danube. A meeting that took place in 452 on the Mincio river, and still today one of the great mysteries of history and faith.

Meeting of Leo the Great with Attila.


Never surrender,
even when fatigue makes itself felt,
not even when your foot stumbles,
not even when your eyes burn,
even when your efforts are ignored,
not even when disappointment makes you depressed,
even when the mistake discourages you,
not even when betrayal hurts you,
not even when success abandons you,
even when ingratitude scares you,
even when misunderstanding surrounds you,
not even when boredom knocks you down,
even when everything looks like nothing,
even when the weight of sin crushes you ...
Call upon your God, clench your fists, smile ... and start again!