“Let me heal Jesus”! Prayer for healing

“Lord, if you want, you can heal me!” This plea was uttered by a leper who met Jesus more than 2000 years ago. This man was seriously ill and Jesus, moved with compassion, he stretched out his hand on him and the leprosy disappeared.


This Gospel episode it shows that Jesus is always with us and wants to heal us from our ailments, both physical and internal. All we have to do is ask him sincerely, with faith and with a pure heart.

La faith it is a key element in many passages of the Gospel. In a verse of Marco for example, a father asks Jesus to heal his son and Jesus replies that everything is possible for those who believe. In another verse of Marco Jesus urges his disciples to have faith in God and to believe that even mountains could be moved if they did truly believes.


Jesus attributes healing to faith

When Jesus healed people, often attributed their healing to their faith. By faith, however, he meant the trust they had in him to bring about the healing. For this reason, our way of praying for healing should be characterized by faith.

Some of us may think that the illness or depression are the will of God, but this is a mistake. Illness is not part of God's will and Jesus never encouraged people to remain ill or to endure physical or internal suffering.

God wants us healthy in spirit, body and soul, therefore asking for healing is not going against his will. If illness were part of God's plan, doctors and medicines would no longer make sense, as they would go against his logic.

Jesus, the Savior sent by God, came for free us and heal us. Therefore, we must turn to him with faith and trust that he will listen to ours prayers. We can tell him all our sadness, anguish, suffering and feelings of loneliness, failure or depression. We trust in Him, knowing that he will always be ready to welcome us and heal us.