Let us pray to the Virgin Mary, the Consoler: the Mother who consoles the afflicted

Mary Consoler is a title attributed to the figure of Mary, mother of Jesus, who is venerated in the Catholic tradition as a figure of comfort and support for those who are afflicted or suffering. This title reflects the image of Mary as a compassionate and caring mother who intercedes with God for those in times of difficulty or pain.

María Rosal (Fernán‐Núñez, Córdoba, 1961) is a complete writer. She has published children's theatre, has received the Andalusian Critics' Award (2004), the Children's Poetry Award (2007) and the José Hierro National Poetry Award for Carmín rojo sangre (2015). Her poetic work has been translated into English, Italian and Greek.<br/>
This is her second book for children in edebé, after the funniest title, El secreto de las patatas fritas.<br/>
Maria has a very funny sense of humour.

Mary, a Mother who consoles those who suffer

Mary is always represented as the mother who suffers together with his Son during the Passion and death on the cross of Jesus. This makes it a symbol of consolation for those experiencing pain and suffering. His loving and compassionate presence can bring comfort and hope to those who are feeling distressed or abandoned.

The figure of Mary as a consoler has a long history in the catholic tradition. For centuries, believers have addressed Mary as a figure of comfort and support in times of pain and affliction. Many people pray for Mary's intercession when faced with difficult challenges or bereavements, and they believe that her loving and motherly presence can ease their pain and bring them comfort.

Maria has a special place in the the heart of Catholic believers. His intercession is often requested because it is believed that his closeness to God can bring healing and relief to those in situations of sadness and pain.

Mary of Consolation

Prayer to Mary the Consoler

O Augusta Queen of Heaven, Lady and Sovereign of the minds and hearts of your people, who, to show us your special predilection, to the splendor of an unusual light, in times of serious tribulations, wanted to be found in the shade of a hornbeam, we love you and we thank you for your continued protection of us, our families and your devotees they honor under this title so dear to us.

You, o Mother, who know our needs, come to our rescue, convert sinners, console the afflicted, grant healing to the sick, enclose us in your maternal heart. Give peace to the Church, to the country and to the world. O Mary, Mother of the Church, bless the Pope, the Bishop, the friends and benefactors of the orphans, gathered in the shadow of your Sanctuary, sanctify and multiply the Priests, the Religious and those who spread your devotion in the world; let us all be able to preserve ourselves, until death, faithful to the grace of your divine Son. Amen.