Letter to my son

Dear my son, from the bed of my house, deep in the night, I am writing these lines not to teach you something, life itself will make you learn what you need, but I feel like Father and having the responsibility of parent to tell you the truth.

Yes, my dear son, the truth. We often believe this word to be the opposite of the lie but in reality we actually mean to have grasped the true meaning of life. After so many mistakes, so many searches, so many trips, readings and studies, the truth was revealed to me not because I found it but only because God had mercy.

My son, the engine of the world is love. This is the truth. The moment you love your parents, the moment you love your job, the moment you love your family, your children, your friends and as Jesus said even your enemies then you are happy, then you understood the true sense of human existence, then you grasped the truth.

Jesus said "seek the truth and the truth will set you free". Everything moves around love. God himself gives infinite thanks to those who love. I have seen men wear themselves out of love, I have seen men who have lost everything out of love, I have seen men die out of love. Their face, although their end was tragic, but that tragedy caused by love made those people happy, made them true, people who understood life, had achieved their purpose. Instead I saw men for despite having accumulated riches but devoid of charity and love they arrived at the last day of their life between regrets and tears.

Many link their happiness to beliefs, to religion. My son, the truth is the teaching that the founders of religions have given us. The Buddha himself, Jesus taught peace, love and respect. Whether you will one day be a Christian, Buddhist or other religion, take the leaders of these religions as an example and follow their teachings to achieve the true purpose of life.

My son, among the torments of life, worries, discomforts and beautiful things always keep your gaze fixed on the truth. Build your existence as well but remember that with you you will not bring anything of what you have conquered but on the last day of your life you will only bring with you what you have given.

As a child you thought about your games, on your cell phone. Teenager you were looking for your first love. Then, when you grew up, you thought about creating a job, a family, but when you reached the middle of your life you asked yourself "what is life?" The answer can be found in this letter “life is an experience, a creation of God who must return to God. You just have to discover your vocation, live, love and believe in God, everything that has to happen will happen even if you don't want it. This is the life".

Many fathers tell their children the best way to go, my father did the same. Instead I tell you discover your vocation, your talents and for the duration of your life increase these talents. Only in this way will you be happy, only in this way will you be able to love and create your masterpiece: your life.

Discover your talents, believe in God, love, love everyone and always. This is the engine that moves the whole existence, the whole world. I feel like telling you this. If you do this you make me happy even if you don't do many studies, even if you will not be rich, even if your name will be among the last, but at least I will be happy because listening to your father's advice you will have understood what life is and even if you are not among the great men you will also be happy. Do you know why? Because life wants you to find out what she is. And when you understand what I told you in this letter then life, love and happiness will coincide.