Letter to a child about to be born

Dear child your time has come you are about to enter life. After months that have treated you, seen, you are now about to be born and enter the world. Before you come here I want to tell you some, few, but important things that nobody will tell you or that you will have to learn them yourself.

As soon as you are born you are an empty container what the grown-ups transmit to you those you learn and at least for the first few years you will become. What I want to tell you not to think that adults are always right they are often wrong and sometimes you children are not taught what you should.

Dear child, on the other hand, the first piece of advice I give you "seek the truth". Be careful to live in this world as a blind man without a guide. You must seek the truth and immediately. Jesus says "seek the truth and the truth will set you free". You immediately seek the truth and do not be a slave to anyone.

The second piece of advice I give you: follow your vocation. By vocation I do not mean priest, nun or consecrated person but I tell you do what you like, inspire you, make you feel good in doing it. Make your vocation a job. The work takes up a large part of your day so if you follow your vocation and make it a job you will spend whole days inspired by your being and you will be full of your optimism.

Do good works. One day in your life you will realize that you were not born by chance but that someone created you and you will see that that someone created you only for love and made you to love. So during your days you sow works of peace and good and you will see that at the end of each day you will be satisfied ready to do the same the following day.

And don't listen to the big guys who give advice just to fix things, make money, get better than others. You if by chance you feel like doing something and you have to lose something, do it as well, follow your instinct, your heart, your vocation, your conscience.

I give you one last three-word advice, if you can "believe in God."

I want to conclude this letter by telling you the thing that I hold most in the heart "love Our Lady the mother of Jesus". Maybe you will be born into an atheist or non-Catholic family but it doesn't matter, you love her anyway. Only by loving her, Maria, will you feel a privileged and secure man in life. There is no man who lived and will live who loved Our Lady and was disappointed. Only by loving Our Lady will you feel protected and happy, everything else is pure illusion.

Ah! And then don't forget that at the end of life, after death, there is Heaven. So try to enter through the narrow door and do what I told you in this letter so you will live a unique life and then it will continue after death for eternity where your creator of today who you are about to be born awaits you even on your last day .