Letter of God to humanity (by Paolo Tescione)

While I was attentive in the night watches my God broke my deafness and told me: “I diet the Dialogues to make them spread but not everyone has taken them into consideration. I talked to you but only a little did they understand the true meaning of what I told you. Now I tell you what to do, what to extrapolate from my words and write a letter to humanity. People who read it must spread it. I am a Father and everyone must know it ”. All this takes place at the turn of the Easter triduum when my teacher sacrifices himself on the cross for salvation. In recent days I was bent by the suffering of the world but God told me “I melt you in the fire as gold is melted and purified”. From all this comes "the letter of God to humanity".

As with the dialogues, God told me "Now write" and so I did as I was instructed.

(Paolo Tessione)

God's letter to humanity

Base your life on love. Love me all, always. Love me as I have loved you and not as you love, with the reciprocation. You are ready to love only those who love you, but you must love all even your enemies. Your enemies are people who do not live in love but in separation and have not yet understood the true meaning of life, but you respond with love and see your love and understand that only love wins.

I can't be deaf to your requests. I listen to your prayers, I listen to everyone, I listen to every man. But often you ask for things that are bad for your soul. So I don't listen to you just for your sake.

I love you all!!! You are creatures created by me and I see you, I admire you and I am pleased with what I have done. I repeat to you "I love you all".

The advice I give you today is this "let me love you". Love me more than anything else. This mutual love between me and you turns into grace, only grace saves you. Only grace allows you to live in peace. Live my grace always, at the present moment, I am ready to listen, to fulfill and to live in communion with you. Let yourselves be overcome by my great and merciful love and you will be saved in my omnipotence ”.

If you trust me you are a blessed. My son Jesus said "blessed are you when they insult you because of me". If you are mocked, outraged by your faith, your reward in the kingdom of heaven will be great. You are blessed if you trust me. Confidence in me is the most beautiful and important prayer you can do to me. Total abandonment in me is the most effective weapon you can use in this world. I do not abandon you but I live next to you and support you in all your actions, in all your thoughts.

Trust me wholeheartedly. The men who trust me their name is written in the palm of my hand and I am ready to move my powerful arm in their favor. Nothing will harm them and if sometimes it seems that their fate is not the best I am ready to intervene to reestablish their every situation, their very life.

Blessed is the man who trusts in me. You are blessed if you trust me, your soul shines in this world like a lighthouse at night, your soul will be bright one day in the skies. Blessed are you if you trust me. I am your father of immense love and I am ready to do everything for you. Trust all of my beloved children in me. I who am your father do not abandon you and I am ready to welcome you into my loving arms for all eternity.

I am your Lord, almighty God, great in the love that can do everything and moves in compassion for his children. I tell you "ask and it will be given to you". If you don't pray, if you don't ask, if you don't have faith in me, how can I move in your favor? I know what you need even before you ask me but to test your faith and your fidelity I have to make sure that you ask me what you need and if your faith is blind I do everything for you . Do not try to solve all your problems alone but live your life with me and I do great things for you, greater than your own expectations.

Ask and you shall receive. As my son Jesus said “if your son asks you for bread, will you give him a stone? So if you know how to be good with your children the heavenly father will do even more with you ”. My son Jesus was very clear. He clearly said that as you know how to be good to your children so I am good to you who are all my beloved children. So don't hold back in praying, asking, having faith in me. I can do everything for you and I want to do great things but you must be faithful to me, you must have faith in me, I who am your God, I who am your father.

You on this earth have a mission that I have entrusted to you. Being a father of a family, educating children, working, taking care of parents, the communion of the brothers who are next to you, everything comes to me to make you fulfill your mission, your experience on this earth and then come to me, one day , for eternity.

Live in pain, call on me. I am your father and as I have already told you I am not deaf to your invocations. You are my beloved son. Who among you, seeing a child in difficulty asking for help, abandon him? So if you are good to your children, I am also good to each of you. I who am the creator, pure love, infinite goodness, immense grace.

If in life you are experiencing painful events, do not blame your evils on me. Many men attract evil to life since they are far from me, they live far from me even though I always look for them but they don't want to be sought. Others even if they live near me and suffer painful events, everything is linked to a very specific life plan that I have for each of you. Do you remember how my son Jesus said? Your lives are like plants, some that do not bear fruit are uprooted while those that bear fruit are pruned. And sometimes pruning involves feeling pain for the plant, but it is essential for its good growth.

Live your life fully. If you follow this advice that I am giving you today I promise you that I will give you all the graces necessary for your salvation and for living in this world. I repeat, do not waste the wonderful gift of life but make it a work of art that must be remembered by your affections, by all the men who have known you over the years when you leave this world.

If you want to make your life perfect follow my inspirations. I am always close to you to give you the right advice to make your life a masterpiece. But often you are taken by your worries, your problems and you leave out the most beautiful gift I have given you, that of life.
Always follow my inspirations. You in this world are different from each other and I have given each one a vocation. Every man must follow his vocation and will be happy in this world. I have given you talents, you do not bury them but you try to multiply your gifts and to make life that I have given you something wonderful, something extraordinary, great.

Live your life fully. Don't waste even a second of the life I gave you. You in this world are unique and unrepeatable, make your life a masterpiece.

Pray to our Father every day and seek my will. Seeking my will is not difficult. Just follow my inspirations, my voice, just respect my commands and follow the example of life of my son Jesus. If you do this you will be blessed in front of me and I will make you do great things. You will do things that you too will marvel at yourself. My will is every good for each of you and not something negative. I have prepared a saving mission for each of you and I want it to be accomplished in your life.

But if you don't look for me you can't do my will. If you do not look for me and follow only your passions then your life will be empty, mediocre, a life destined only to earthly pleasures. This is not life. The men who gave great things to art, medicine, writing, crafts were inspired by me. Although some did not believe in me but have been careful to follow their heart, their divine passion and have done great things.

Always follow my will. My will is something extraordinary for you. Why are you sad? How come you live your life in anguish? Don't you know that I rule the world and I can do everything for you? Perhaps you are in anguish since you cannot satisfy your earthly desire. This means that that desire you have does not enter into my will, into my plan of life that I have for you. But I created you for great things, so don't follow your earthly desires but follow my inspirations and you will be happy.

So pray "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me." This prayer was made to my son by the blind man of Jericho and was immediately answered. My son asked him this question "do you think I can do this?" and he had faith in my son and was healed. You must do this too. You must be sure that my son can heal you, free you and give you everything you need. I want you to turn your thoughts away from earthly things, put yourself in the silence of your soul and repeat this prayer "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me" many times. This prayer moves my son's heart and mine and we will do everything for you. You must pray with your heart, with a lot of faith and you will see that the most thorny situations of your life will be solved.

Then I want you to also pray "Jesus remember me when you enter your kingdom". This prayer was made by the good thief on the cross and my son immediately accepted him into his kingdom. Although his sins were many, my son had compassion for the good thief. His act of faith towards my son, with this brief prayer, immediately freed him from all his faults and Heaven was given to him. I want you to do this too. I want you to recognize all your faults and to see in me a merciful father ready to welcome every child who turns with all his heart. This short prayer opens the doors of Heaven, erases all sins, frees from all chains and makes your soul pure and luminous.

Follow the example of Teresa of Calcutta. She looked for all the brothers who needed and helped them in all their needs. She sought peace among men and spread my love message. If you do this you too will see that a strong peace will descend in you. Your conscience will be elevated to me and you will be a peacemaker. Wherever you find yourself, you will feel the peace you have and men will seek you to touch my grace. But if instead you think only of satisfying your passions, of enriching yourself, you will see that your soul will be sterile and you will always live an anxiety. If you want to be blessed in this world you must seek peace, it must be a peacemaker. I don't ask you to do great things but I only ask you to spread my word and my peace in the environment you live and frequent. Don't try to do things bigger than yourself, but try to be a peacemaker in small things. Try to spread my word and my peace in your family, in the workplace, among your friends and you will see how great my reward will be towards you.

Always seek peace. Try to be a peacemaker. Trust me my son and I will do great things with you and you will see many small miracles in your life.

Blessed are you if you are a peacemaker.

How come you don't believe in me? How come you don't abandon yourself to me? Am I not your God? If you abandon yourself to me you see miracles come true in your life. You see miracles every day of your life. I don't ask you anything but only love and faith the me. Yes, I only ask you faith in me. Have faith in me and your every situation will be better arranged.

How bad it hurts when men don't believe in me and abandon me. I who am their creator see myself put aside. This they do to satisfy their carnal passions and they never think about their soul, my kingdom, eternal life.

Fear not. I always come to you if you approach me. Always repeat "My God, I trust in you" and my heart is moved, my grace abounds and in my omnipotence I do everything for you. My beloved son, my love, my creature, my everything.

I'm your father. Call me fondly, dad. Yes, call me dad. I am not far from you but I live in you and I speak to you, I advise you, I give all my omnipotence for you in order to see you happy and to make you live your life in full love. Do not feel distant from me, but always call me, in any situation, when you are in joy I want to rejoice with you and when you are in pain I want to comfort you.

If I knew how many men ignore my presence. They think that I don't exist or that I don't provide for them. They see the evil around them and blame me. One day a favorite soul of mine, Fra Pio da Pietrelcina, was asked the reason for so much evil in the world, and he replied “a mother was embroidering and her daughter was sitting on a low stool and saw the reverse of the embroidery. Then the daughter said to her mother: mom but what are you doing I see all the threads woven and I don't see your embroidery. Then the mother bent over and showed her daughter the embroidery and all the threads were in order even in the colors. See we see evil in the world since we are sitting on the low stool and we see the twisted threads but we cannot see the beautiful picture that God is weaving in our life ".

So you see evil in your life but I'm embroidering a masterpiece for you. You do not understand now since you are seeing the reverse but I am doing a work of art for you. Do not be afraid always remember that I am your father. I am a good father full of love and compassion ready to help every child of mine who prays and asks me for help. I can't help but help you and exist without my creature that I created myself.

Always invoke me, call me, I am your father. A father does everything for each of his children and I do everything for you. Even if you now live in pain, don't despair. My son Jesus, who knew well the mission he had to accomplish on this earth, never despaired but kept on praying and trusted me. You do the same too. When you are in pain, call me. Know that you are fulfilling your mission on earth and even if it is sometimes painful, do not be afraid, I am with you, I am your father.

Live in pain, call on me. In an instant I am beside you to free you, heal you, give you hope, console you. I love you with immense love and if you live in pain, call me. I am a father who runs towards a son who invokes him. My love for you goes beyond all limits.

If you live in pain, call on me.

I am who I am, the creator of heaven and earth, your father, merciful and almighty love. You will have no other god other than me. When I gave the commandments to my servant Moses, the first and greatest commandment was precisely this "you will have no other god besides Me". I am your God, your creator, I molded you in your mother's womb and I am jealous of you, of your love. I don't want you to dedicate your existence to other gods like money, beauty, well-being, work, your passions. I want you to dedicate your existence to me, who is your father and creator.

You are the most beautiful and unique creature for me. Don't you think, I who am God, turn your gaze towards you? I, who am God, have no reason to exist if I had not created you. I who am God, live and breathe through you, my beautiful and much loved creature. But now return to me with all your heart, don't let go of your whole life without you even knowing for a moment my love for you. Don't worry, I love you and without you I wouldn't know what to do.

I love you more than anything. You are unique to me, my love for you is unique, my love for every man is unique. Come to me beloved creature, know my love that I have for you and don't fear me. I have no reason to punish you even if your sins were more numerous than your hair. I want you to know only my love, immense and grandiose love. I always want you with me, forever and I know that you are a creature that you need me. You are not happy without me and I want to make your life, your existence happy.

Fear not, my creature, you are unique to me. My love for you is great. You cannot know the love I have for you. It is a divine love that you cannot understand. If you could understand the love I have for you, you would jump for joy. I want to fill your life with joy, happiness, love, but you have to come to me, you have to be mine. I am joy, I am happiness, I am love.

I am your creator. I created you and I have immense love for you, I have immense love for each of you. I created the whole universe but all creation is not worth your life, all creation is less precious than your soul. The angels who live in heaven and help you in your earthly mission know well that the salvation of one soul is more important than the whole world. I want you safe, I want you happy, I want to love you for eternity.

But you must return to me wholeheartedly. If you do not return to me I am restless. I don't fully live my omnipotence and I always wait for you, until you return to me. When I created you I made you not only for this world but I created you for eternity. You were created for eternal life and I will not give myself peace until I see you forever united with me. I am your creator and I love you with infinite love. My love pours out on you, my mercy covers you and if by chance you are seeing your past, your faults, do not be afraid I have already forgotten everything. I'm just happy that you come back to me with all my heart. I do not feel omnipotent without you, I am sad if you are not with me, I who am God and all I can Your distance from me makes me feel pained.

Return to God what belongs to God. Do not follow the systems of this world but follow my word. I can do everything for you but I want you to be faithful to me and you must not be a son away from me. I am your father and I don't want your death but I want you to live. I want you to live in this world and for eternity. If you make your life to me, I who am merciful I do everything for you, I do miracles, I move my powerful hand in your favor and extraordinary things will happen in your life.

I ask you also to return what is of this world to the world. Work, manage your wealth well, never harm your neighbor. Manage your life well even in this world, do not waste your existence. Many men throw their lives away in the most terrible earthly passions by destroying their life itself. But I don't want this from you. I want you to manage your life well, which I have given you. I want you to leave a mark in this world. A sign of my love, a sign of my omnipotence, I want you to follow my inspirations in this world and I will make you do great things.

Please return to God what belongs to God and to the world what belongs to this world. Do not let yourself go alone to your passions but also take care of your soul that is eternal and one day it will come to me. If you have shown me great loyalty, your reward will be. If you show me loyalty you will see benefits already at the present moment while living in this world. I also ask you to pray for your rulers whom I have called to this mission. Many of them do not act according to a right conscience, do not listen to me and think they are in their interests. They need your prayers so much to get the conversion, to get the graces necessary for the salvation of their soul.

You are body and soul and you cannot live only for the body but you must also take care of your soul. The soul needs to be tied to its God, it needs prayer, faith and charity. You cannot live only for material needs but you also need me who am your creator who loves you with infinite love. Now you must have faith in me. Fully surrender to me in all your situations in life. When you want to solve a problem, call me and we will solve it together. You will see that everything will be easier, you will be happier and life will seem lighter. But if you want to do it all by yourself and follow your thoughts then walls will form in front of you that will make the path of your life difficult and sometimes dead-end.

But don't worry, have faith in me, always. If you have faith in me rejoice my heart and I put you in the ranks of my beloved souls, those souls who, despite experiencing earthly difficulties, do not despair, invoke me in their needs and I support them, those souls who are destined for Heaven and to live with me for all eternity.

I am your God, merciful father who loves everything and forgives everything slow to anger and great in love. In this dialogue I want to tell you that you are blessed if you trust me. If you trust me you understand the true meaning of life. If you trust me I will become the enemy of your enemies, the opponent of your opponents. Confidence in me is the thing I like most. My favorite children continually trust in me, they love me and I do great things for them.

May my law be your joy. If you find joy in my commands then you are "blessed", you are a man who has understood the true meaning of life and in this world does not need anything anymore since you have everything in remaining faithful to me. It is useless for you to multiply your prayers if you want to do whatever you want in your life and try to satisfy your passions. The first thing to do is to listen to my word, my commands and to put them into practice. There is no valid prayer without my grace. And you will get my grace if you are faithful to my commands, to my teachings.
Now return to me wholeheartedly. If your sins are numerous, I always lose and am always ready to welcome every man. But you have to be determined to change your life, change your way of thinking and turn your heart only towards me.

I am your immense love, your father and merciful God who does everything for you and always helps you in your every need. I'm here to say "ask the Holy Spirit". When a man in his life has received the gift of the Holy Spirit he has everything, he needs nothing but above all he does not expect anything. The Holy Spirit makes you understand the true meaning of life, with his gifts he makes you live a spiritual life, fills you with wisdom and gives you the gift of discernment in the choices of your life.

When my son Jesus was with you he said "the father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him". I am ready to give you this gift but you must open up to me, you must come to meet me and I fill you with the Holy Spirit, I fill you with spiritual wealth. My son Jesus himself in the womb of Mary was generated by the work of the Holy Spirit. And over time many beloved souls thanks to the Holy Spirit have witnessed to me and have made their life a continuous sacrifice to me. Even the apostles, chosen by my son Jesus, were fearful, they did not understand the word of my son, but then when they were full of the Holy Spirit they gave testimony until they died for me.

I take care of every man's life. You are all dear to me and I provide for each of you. I always provide even if you think that I do not answer but you sometimes ask badly. Instead, ask for things that are bad for your spiritual and material life. I am almighty and I also know your future. I know what you need before you even ask me.

I am merciful to everyone. I am ready to forgive all your guilt but you must come to me repented with all my heart. I know your feelings and therefore I know if your repentance is sincere. So come to me with all my heart and I welcome you into my father's arms ready to help you always, at any time.

I love each of you. I am love and therefore my mercy is the most important attribute of my love. But I also want to tell you to forgive each other. I do not want disputes and quarrels between you who are all brothers, but I want brotherly love to reign and not separation. Be prepared to forgive each other.

I am your father, your God who created and loves you, always uses mercy towards you and always helps you. I don't want you to want all that belongs to others. I just want you to give me your love and then I will perform wonders in your life. How come you spend time craving what's your brother's? All that men possess is me that I have given, it is I who give the spouse, children, work. How come you are not satisfied with what I have given you and you spend your precious time to be desired? I don't want you to want anything material, I want you to just want my love.

I am your God and I always provide for you, every moment of your life. But you do not live your life fully and spend your time wishing for what is not yours. If I haven't given it to you, there is a reason you don't know, but I who am almighty know everything and I also know the reason that I don't give you what you want. My big thought for you is what you make a life of love, I am love and therefore I don't want you to spend your time among the material things of this world, with your desires.

How come you want your brother's woman? Don't you know that I am making sacred unions in this world? Or do you think that every man is free to choose what he wants. It is I who created the man and the woman and it is I who create the unions between couples. It is I who establish the births, the creation, the family. I am the almighty and I establish everything before you were created.

I have created a vocation in you. There is something great in you, you just have to find out. And if you do everything I have prepared for you then you will be happy and do great things in this world. Seek me, be tied to me, pray, and I will give you the grace to discover your vocation. If you discover your vocation, your life will be unique, unrepeatable, you will be remembered by everyone for what great you can do.

Don't worry, my son, I'm close to you. Take the first step towards me and I will help you do my will in you. You are my most beautiful creature, I don't feel like God without you, but I am an omnipotent creator that I created you, my only creature so loved by me.

My will be done. Look for my will. And you will be happy.

Always pray my son, I listen to your prayer. Do not be faithless but you must be sure that I am close to you when you pray and listen to your every request. When you pray, turn your thoughts away from your problems and think of me. Turn your thoughts to me and I who live in every place even within you, I speak to you and I show you everything you need to do. I give you the right instructions, the way to go and I move with your compassion. My beloved son, none of your prayers you have done in the past has been lost and no prayers you will make in the future will be lost. Prayer is a treasure deposited in the heavens and one day when you come to me you will see all the treasure that you have accumulated on earth thanks to prayer.

Now I tell you, pray with your heart. I see the intentions of every man's heart. I know if there is sincerity or hypocrisy in you. If you pray with your heart I can not help but answer. The mother of Jesus revealing himself to beloved souls on earth has always said to pray. She who was the prayerful woman par excellence gives you the right advice to make you my favorite souls in this world. Listen to the advice of the heavenly mother, she who knows the treasures of Heaven knows well the value of a prayer addressed to me with the heart. Love prayer and you will be loved by me.

Even my son Jesus when he was on this earth to carry out his redemptive mission prayed a lot and I was in perfect communion with him. He also prayed to me in the garden of olives when he began his passion by saying "Father if you want to take this cup away from me but not mine but your will be done". When I like this type of prayer. I like it so much since I always seek the good of the soul and those who seek my will seek everything since I help them for all spiritual good and growth.

Often you pray to me but then you see that I am not hearing you and you stop. But do you know my times? You know sometimes even if you ask me for a grace I know that you are not ready to receive it then I wait until you grow in life and are ready to receive what you want. And if by chance I don't listen to you the reason is that you ask for something that hurts your life and you don't understand it but like a stubborn child you despair.

Never forget that I love you most of all. So if when you pray to me I keep you waiting or I don't listen to you I always do it for your good. I am not bad but infinitely good, ready to give you all the graces necessary for your spiritual and material life.

My words are "spirit and life" are words of eternal life and I want you to listen to them and put them into practice. Many people never read the Bible. They are ready to read news stories, novels, stories, but they put the holy book aside. In the Bible there is my whole thought, everything when I had to tell you. Now you must be the one to read, meditate on my word to have a deep knowledge of me. Jesus himself said “whoever listens to these words and puts them into practice and resembles a man who built his house on the rock. The winds blew, the rivers overflowed but that house did not fall because it was built on the rock. " If you listen to my words and put them into practice nothing will hit you in your life but you will be the winner of your enemies.

Then my words give life. Whoever listens to my word and puts it into practice lives forever. It is a word of love. The whole sacred text speaks of love. So you read, meditate, every day my word and put it into practice and you will see small miracles come true every day in your life. I am next to every man but I have a weak detail for those men who strive to listen to me and to be faithful to me. Even my son Jesus was faithful to me until death, until death by the cross. This is why I exalted him and raised him up since he, who had always been faithful to me, did not have to know the end. He now lives in the skies and is beside me and everything can for each of you, for those who listen to his words and observe them.

You must live my grace. Respect my commands. I have given laws to respect in order for you to be free men and not subject to slavery. Sin enslaves you while my law makes you free men, men who love their God and his kingdom. Sin reigns everywhere in this world. I see many of my children going to ruin as they don't respect my commands. Many ruin their existence while others think only of wealth. But you must not attach your heart to the passions of this world but to me who am your creator. Men who respect my commands and are humble live in this world happy, they know that I am close to them and if sometimes their faith and being tested do not lose hope but always trust in me. I want this from you my beloved creature. I can't bear that you don't live my friendship and stay away from me. I who am almighty have immense pain to see men who are in ruins and live far from me.

My beloved son in this dialogue I wanted to give you the weapons of salvation, the weapons to live my grace. If you are charitable, pray and respect my commands you are a blessed, a man who has understood the true meaning of life, a man who needs nothing since he has everything, lives my grace. There is no greater treasure than my grace. Do not seek vain things in this world but seek my grace. If you live my grace I will one day welcome you into my kingdom and celebrate with you my beloved creature. If you live my grace you will be happy in this world and you will see that you will lack nothing.

But what good is it for you to gain the whole world if you then lose your soul? You don't know that you will leave everything but with you only bring your soul? Then you worry. Live my grace. The most important thing for you and always be in grace with me then I will provide all your needs. And if you follow my will, you must understand that everything is moving in your favor. I always intervene in my children's lives to give everything they need. But I cannot satisfy your carnal passions. You must seek my will, always be ready, respect my commands and you will see how great your reward will be in the skies.

Many men live in this world as if life never ends. They never think they have to leave this world. They accumulate riches, worldly pleasures and never take care of their soul. You must always be ready. If you leave this world and have never lived my grace before me, you will feel embarrassed and you yourself will judge your conduct and move away from me forever. But I don't want this. I want every child of mine to live forever with me. I sent my son Jesus to earth to save every man and I don't want you to damn yourself forever. But many are deaf to this call. They don't even believe in me and they waste their whole life on their business.

My son, I want you to listen wholeheartedly to the call I make you in this dialogue. Live your life every moment in grace with me. Don't even allow a single second of your time to pass it away from me. Always try to be ready that as my son Jesus said "when you don't wait the son of man comes". My son must return to earth to judge each of you based on your actions. Be careful how you behave and try to follow the teachings my son left you. You cannot understand the ruin you are going through now if you don't follow my commands. You now think only of living in this world and making your life beautiful, but if you live this life away from me then eternity will be a punishment for you. You were created for eternal life. The mother of Jesus appearing many times in this world said clearly "your life is the blink of an eye". Your life compared to eternity is a moment.