The Eucharist in Mary's messages in Medjugorje

Message dated February 10, 1982
Pray, pray, pray! Believe firmly, confess regularly and communicate. And this is the only way to salvation.

Message dated February 19, 1982
Follow the Holy Mass carefully. Be disciplined and do not chat during Holy Mass.

Message dated October 15, 1983
You do not attend mass as you should. If you knew what grace and what gift you receive in the Eucharist, you would prepare yourself every day for at least an hour. You should also go to confession once a month. It would be necessary in the parish to dedicate to reconciliation three days a month: the first Friday and the following Saturday and Sunday.

March 15, 1984
Also tonight, dear children, I am particularly grateful to you for coming here. Adore without interruption the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I am always present when the faithful are in adoration. At that moment special graces are obtained.

March 29, 1984
My children, you must be of a special soul when you go to mass. If you were aware of who you are going to receive, you would jump for joy in approaching communion.

Message dated August 6, 1984
You will never understand enough the depth of divine love left in the Eucharist. Those people who come to church without preparation and eventually leave without thanksgiving, harden their hearts.

Message dated August 8, 1984
When you adore the Eucharist, I am with you in a particular way.

November 18, 1984
If possible, attend mass every day. But not as mere spectators, but as people who at the moment of Jesus' sacrifice on the altar are ready to join him to become with him the same sacrifice for the salvation of the world. Before the mass prepare yourselves with the prayer and after the mass thank Jesus remaining for some time with him in silence.

November 12, 1986
I am closer to you during the mass than during the apparition. Many pilgrims would like to be present in the room of the apparitions and therefore crowd around the rectory. When they push themselves in front of the tabernacle as they now do in front of the rectory, they will have understood everything, they will have understood the presence of Jesus, because to make communion is more than being a seer.

April 25, 1988
Dear children, God wishes to make you holy, therefore through me he invites you to total abandonment. May Holy Mass be for you life! Try to understand that the Church is the house of God, the place where I gather you and I want to show you the way that leads to God. Come and pray! Don't look at others and don't criticize them. Instead, your life should be a testimony on the path of holiness. The Churches are worthy of respect and consecrated, because God - who became man - stays within them day and night. So children, believe, and pray that the Father will increase your faith, and then ask for what is necessary for you. I am with you and rejoice in your conversion. I protect you with my maternal mantle. Thanks for answering my call!

September 25, 1995
Dear children! Today I invite you to fall in love with the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Adore him, children, in your parishes and thus you will be united with the whole world. Jesus will become your friend and you will not speak of him as someone you barely know. Unity with him will be joy for you and you will become witnesses of the love of Jesus, which he has for every creature. Little children, when you worship Jesus, you are also close to me. Thanks for answering my call!

Message of June 2, 2012 (Mirjana)
Dear children, I am continually among you because, with my infinite love, I wish to show you the door of Heaven. I want to tell you how it opens: through goodness, mercy, love and peace, through my Son. Therefore, my children, do not waste time in vanity. Only knowledge of my Son's love can save you. Through this saving Love and the Holy Spirit, He has chosen me and I, together with Him, choose you to be apostles of His Love and His Will. My children, there is a great responsibility on you. I want you, by your example, to help sinners to come back to see, to enrich their poor souls and bring them back into my arms. So pray, pray, fast and confess regularly. If eating my Son is the center of your life, then do not be afraid: you can do everything. I am with you. I pray every day for the shepherds and I expect the same from you. Because, my children, without their guidance and the strengthening that comes to you through the blessing you cannot go on. Thank you.

Message of August 2, 2014 (Mirjana)
Dear children, the reason why I am with you, my mission, is to help you win the good, even if this does not seem possible to you now. I know that you do not understand many things, as I also did not understand everything that my Son taught me as he grew up next to me, but I believed him and I followed him. This also I ask you to believe me and to follow me, but my children, following me means loving my Son above all others, loving him in every person without distinction. In order to do all this, I invite you again to renounce, pray and fast. I invite you to make life for your soul the Eucharist. I invite you to be my apostles of light, those who will spread love and mercy in the world. My children, your life is only a beat in comparison with eternal life. When you are in front of my Son, he will see in your hearts how much love you have had. In order to be able to spread love in the right way, I pray my Son that through love he will give you union through him, the union between you and the union between you and your shepherds. My Son always gives himself to you through them and renews your souls. Don't forget this. Thank you.