Free your family from all evil with this powerful prayer

Holy Mother of Jesus, who is grieved for your children divided or far from the Father's House, welcome under your maternal protection this family that does not find peace and that is disturbed by the snares of the Devil.
Jesus, our Savior, King of Peace, I place all the members of this family in your Heart burning with love. May your forgiveness bring them back to your Heart and in it they can embrace and forgive each other, reconciling each other in true love.
Lord, drive Satan, author of every division, into Hell and protect this family from every evil person who sows discord and tares in it. Remove those who bring about the spiritual and moral division and ruin of this family.
Jesus, make sure that all the members of this family gather in the faith and practice of the sacraments and that each one of them be welcoming to your infinite mercy.
Reconciled in your love, may this family be a witness of your presence and your peace in the world. Amen."
(from the rite of exorcisms and prayers for special circumstances)

“All holy sovereign Mother of God, drive away from me a sinner and unworthy servant of sloth, forgetfulness, ignorance, neglect; and every wicked thought, both shameful and blasphemous, turn away from my despicable and miserable heart and from my filthy soul and from my darkened intellect, and extinguish the flame of passions and have mercy and help me, since I am sick and miserable. And untie me from the evil thoughts that come to me and from presumptions and free me from all my bad deeds at night and in the day, since you are overbened and your holy name is glorified for ever and ever. Amen."

My Sovereign Mother of God, do not abandon me a sinner and useless servant in order to lose me in evil works, but according to the bowels of your mercy, turn to me and free me from the threat of these, so that I too will always magnify you as my protector in the unbroken greatness of our race, saved with your mercy, at all times, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to renounce Satan:

(General renunciation :)
“In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce Satan and all occult ties, his work on my spirit, his work on my body, his work on my mind and all the bonds with each of his followers. Amen."

(Special renunciation :)
“In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce the spirit of: Hate, Resentment, Resentment, Curse, Envy, Jealousy, Division, Antichrist, Evil, Asmodeo, Revenge, Violence, Pride, Power, Pride, Rebellion, Vainglory, Avarice, Lust, Shamelessness , Adultery, Witchcraft, Necromancy, Fortune telling, False religions, Lying, Fear, False spirituality, New age, Divination, Astrology, Mediumism, Occult, Magic, Religious deception, Atheism, Death, Despair, Anguish, Confusion, Sloth, Alienation, Illness , Alcoholism, Drugs, Discouragement, Swearing, Throat, Pride, Agitation, Leisure. "