The impurity: Our Lady reveals the great sin of today's world

Impurity is the universal plague of our age.
At the time of the flood, the Bible says, every flesh had corrupted his life whereby God said: "I will exterminate every living thing from the face of the earth ..., and sent the flood that caused all to perish" (Gen. 6: 7).
Today humanity, as Our Lady revealed to many mystical souls, is much worse than at the time of the flood.
Pornography and pornography have become the school of vice and of all libidinous acts against nature; they put before the eyes of all the most abominable and unthinkable acts of human lust; hundreds of millions of men every day see them either in the cinema or on the TV and then practice them.
The movie theaters have become the churches of Satan, always crowded, they have emptied the churches of God and annually return thousands of billions of lire to the industrialists of vice.
Obscene cinema billboards, television do violence even to those who are innocent. Honest citizens and good Christians are forced to close their eyes, turn off the TV. But how many still do this?
The houses of collective vice are now countless. Bad speeches have become the usual language of all the barracks, of all the beaches, of all the places of entertainment, of all the work sites, etc. Homosexuals are now many who claim legal rights.
In France, with the circular dated August 27, 1981 sent by the Minister of Justice, Badinter, to all Prosecutors General and all Prosecutors of the Republic, sin against nature "sodomy" was legalized. In the circular it is said that every minor son or daughter can be the object of impure acts, attacks on modesty, acts against nature by any adult of the same sex, without the Justice being able to intervene anymore. Nor can the deed, now considered legal, be contested by the parents. So anyone, even a teacher, can let off steam on one of his pupils without danger of being prosecuted by law. Justice can intervene "only if exceptional circumstances of gravity justify it".
But where do these "exceptional gravities" begin or end? The French Justice criminal circular does not explain it. It only forbids prosecutors to intervene ex officio or, in any case, before taking any judicial decision, they must "report" to the Minister in person, because he alone is empowered to decide whether the case is serious or not.
Mitterand's social-communist France would like a "change of society" across Europe to liberalize sex and thus make a European people of prostitutes and prostitutes. (See the periodical «Chiesa Viva» no. 114 - December 1981).
Chastity is completely ignored. That premarital almost no longer exists. Virginity is mocked and despised. The minds and hearts of men, with the exception of a small minority, have become real cloaches of bad desires mainly because of pornography, pornography and free televisions. - The same marriage was desecrated and reduced most of the times, as John Paul II said, to a legalized prostitution institution, where there are no more laws of nature, that is, of God.
In this climate of hedonism, of course, the children, who are the divine purpose of marriage, become an obstacle and are avoided in all ways, of course almost all of them illegal, and if by mistake they come, they are killed with abortion.
Satan, eternal enemy of God and man, foments impurity in all possible ways because it is sin, as Our Lady said in Fatima to little Jacinta, who sends more souls to hell.
The following pages are excerpts from the booklet «Pudore ... if you are there, beat it» by Don Enzo Boninsegna (Via Polesine, 5 - 37134 Verona).
"A few decades ago, when modesty, as a hitherto undisputed public fact, began to crumble, no woman from our countries and cities would have had the courage to dress indecently, and if someone had dared, she would have been immediately and hard branded.
To manipulate the mentality of the masses, the programmers of corruption have chosen the path of small steps: by dint of beating, the nail has entered and people have begun to consider "normal" what was not normal, is not ... and not will never be. The best way was to present the characters of the show (demigods of our time, men and women without law!), Dressed in ... "not modesty". And so, the almost adoration that the masses felt and feel for those famous people, would have opened the way to sympathy for their way of thinking, acting and dressing.
Before appearing on our streets and in our squares, shamelessness entered the cinemas with all the honors and came out from there to radiate like an epidemic in society; then it broke into our homes with the various scandalistic weekly magazines, of which women are avid readers above all, and now for twenty years now, we have been in the flood with television and with the advertising posters that cover our streets .
Step by step, we have come to represent every form of sexual perversion, even reaching the apex of madness and the abyss of vice with "red light cinemas", in which the most refined, distilled and more manic. After so much hammering, after so much vice school, the masses learned the lesson: the way of thinking, living, dressing, and above all the "art of undressing" of a few famous or fascinating characters, proposed by cinema, television , newspapers and advertisements, has been absorbed and made just by the "unconscious" consciousness of many people. Shamelessness is now omnipresent.

1) Fashion no longer has any regard for modesty: outrageously short skirts, exaggerated necklines, super-tight dresses, or with super-bags, or transparent, are spreading and ... with what ease they are worn! Then the studiously mischievous poses (legs crossed in the wind ...) complete the work.

2) Discos, similar to hellish bolge, are the best places to "educate" the mass of young people to indecency. There, with the language and the clothing that prevail, with songs full of wild and depraved sex, the girls do not learn to know and preserve their dignity as people, and the boys certainly do not raise their spirit towards thoughts and will. of God. There, with a few exceptions ... everything is mud and misery, squalor and lightheadedness.

3) And what about summer beaches? ... The so-called "bikini", or "two-piece", I don't know how it can be reconciled with Christian modesty; but there is worse: there are more and more exhibitionists showing themselves naked; the only thing that covers them is a piece of cloth slightly larger than a coriander; and, thus harnessed, they walk up and down the beach pretending an ease that they do not have or cannot have.
For now nudists have private beaches, but we will not have to wait long for nudism to be welcomed triumphantly on all beaches.

4) I have been living and working for over twenty years among middle school kids and I know I'm not far from the truth in saying that at least 30 or 40% of these kids have television in the bedroom ... and most of the night it searches on all the channels until it finds to be "grazed" among so many filthies that abound in those hours of the night.

5) There is no country or neighborhood of cities where several pornographic videotape shops have not sprung up. If until five, six years ago the most shameless pornography was available only in red light cinemas (and there were not many who had the courage to enter those sewer rooms, for fear of being seen), now, being able to " enjoy ”the vision of this filthy low-cost cinema goods, comfortably seated in one's own home, not seen by anyone, or at most with a small group of friends of the same size, the pornographic market has literally exploded.
Furthermore, it must be said that if only adults of age can enter a red light cinema, this "homemade pornography" of video tapes is in fact available to everyone, even children.

6) In some particularly "equipped" shops, the "sex shops", in addition to the "porn" video tapes, are selling all kinds of devices to make sex more "spicy".
In some cities in central or northern Europe we go much further: among the various showcases that display objects of all kinds, there are showcases that display, as goods for sale .., completely naked women; they are offered there for all to see, but for use ... you have to pay. In short: prostitutes in the window.

7) By now, almost all newspaper shops rather than "shop windows" have become ... "latrines" of obscenity.

8) Another serious sign of the degradation to which we have come, in the contempt of modesty, is found in the behavior that certain boys and girls keep among themselves in public places, under the eyes of all and without the slightest embarrassment. This is a sign that they have touched the bottom of corruption, arrogance and selfishness, to the point that they no longer realize the harm they do, the embarrassment they create in those who see them and the scandal they give to most little ones. They are rotten souls, poor rotting creatures.

9) The latest finding in terms of indecency is the "porn phone": just call one of the many telephone numbers that televisions and newspapers advertise and you can talk to "women" who specialize in the most sickening vulgarities. Thus the desire to say and be told the most dirty and perverse things is satisfied. A father of two (15 and 18 years old) confided his concern to me because he saw a half a million phone bill arrive. I learned of some bills with astronomical figures. It has come to ... having to pay for the corruption of the children! Italy, be ashamed!
Now there is no corner, or situation, or moment of our life in which we can stay sheltered from this damned murderous shamelessness that reaches us from a thousand channels ...