England bans praying in areas around abortion clinics

The right to freedom of religion is one of the fundamental rights recognized by most constitutions and declarations of rights around the world. However, in some circumstances, this right may conflict with other rights or interests, such as the Right to health or the right to privacy.


One such conflict occurs in England, where the law forbids pray or protest in front of hospitals where abortions are performed. Over United States in 2018 “Buffer zones” of 150 meters are established around the clinics to protect women seeking abortions and health personnel who offer them from the intimidating or invasive behavior of some anti-abortion activists.

This law has given rise to severaland reactions among the population, both by those who support the right to freedom of expression and religion, and by those who believe that the ban is justified to ensure the safety and privacy of women.

The law protects the right to health and privacy

On the one hand, the anti-abortion activists and religious organizations they expressed their concern that the ban could limit their freedom of expression and worship. They claim that pray and protest peacefully in front of hospitals is a legitimate way to express one's opinion and to raise awareness of the ethical and moral issues surrounding abortion.


On the other hand, the pro activists of this law and some feminist organizations have supported the ban, saying that praying and protesting can constitute intimidating behavior and harass women seeking an abortion. Furthermore, they stressed that healthcare personnel have the right to carry out their work without being disturbed.

The debate on the law is therefore centered on how to balance i rights and interests involved. On the one hand, there is no doubt that the freedom of expression and religion they are fundamental rights that must be protected. However, these rights may be limited when they conflict with other rights or interests, such as the protection of the health and privacy of women seeking an abortion.

It is important to underline that the prohibition does not prohibit the expression of opinions opposed to abortion, but only their expression in a place where it can be perceived as intimidating or invasive behaviour.