The restlessness that accompanied Padre Pio from an early age

Padre Pio he was a man of faith and his life was marked by his deep devotion to God. However, like many people of faith, he too experienced moments of doubt and unease about God's will in his life. A restlessness that he has always called his "thorn".


In particular, Padre Pio often doubted his own ability to write and communicate God's message effectively. It was difficult for him to accept that God could use his words and voice to convey His will.

This restlessness accompanied him for lifetime, but has never made him give up his mission to spread the God's word. In fact it is thanks to his profound humility and sincerity that his words have become so powerful and touching for millions of people around the world.

The stigmatization and the end of his doubts

What soothed this thorn of his and finally appeased his doubts was one of the most extraordinary events of his life: the stigmatization, that is, the reception of the signs of the Passion of Jesus Christ on his body.


Padre Pio began to show these signs in 1918, and from then until his death, the 23 September 1968, continued to suffer Christ's wounds on his hands, feet and side. This experience made him even closer to the Lord and was for many a testimony of his holiness.

Padre Pio was a man straordinario, who lived a life full of pain and suffering. But he was also a man of extraordinary faith and great courage, which he knew overcome difficulties of life due to his strong devotion to the Lord.

His example still continues today to inspire many faithful around the world, and his figure remains one of the most important in the history of Catholic church.