Litanies to the Father

Father of infinite majesty, - have mercy on us
Father of infinite power, - have mercy on us
Father, of infinite goodness, - have mercy on us
Father, of infinite tenderness, - have mercy on us
Father, abyss of love, - have mercy on us
Father, power of grace, - have mercy on us
Father, resurrection splendor, - have mercy on us
Father, Light of peace, - have mercy on us
Father, joy of salvation, - have mercy on us
Father, more and more Father, - have mercy on us
Father, of infinite mercy, - have mercy on us
Father, of infinite splendor, - have mercy on us
Father, salvation of the desperate, - have mercy on us
Father, hope of those who pray, - have mercy on us
Father, tender before all pain - have mercy on us
Father, for the weaker children - we beg you
Father, for the most desperate children - we beg you
Father, for less loved children - we beg you
Father, for children who have not known you - we beg you
Father, for the most desolate children - we beg you
Father, for the most abandoned children - we beg you
Father, for the children who fight for your kingdom to come, we implore you

Pater, Ave, Gloria for the Pope

Father, for the children, for each child, for all the children, we implore you: give peace and salvation in the name of the Blood of your Son Jesus and in the name of the suffered Heart of the Mother Mary. Amen

My father, I abandon myself to you
do what you like with me;
whatever you do with me, thank you.
I am ready for anything, I accept everything,
as long as your will takes place in me
and in all your creatures;
I don't want anything else, my God.
I put my soul back in your hands,
I give it to you, my God,
with all the love of my heart, because I love you.
And for me it is a need for love
giving me, putting myself back in your hands,
without measure, with infinite confidence,
because you are my Father.