Litanies of the Passion to be recited this week to ask Jesus for help

Once they were recited especially in case of serious illness or in the face of a great test (everything, war, epidemic, natural cataclysm).

Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy
Christ pity

Christ pity
Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy
Christ hear us

Christ hear us
Christ hear us

Christ hear
Heavenly Father you are God

have mercy on us
Son, Redeemer of the world that you are God

have mercy on us
Holy Spirit that you are God

have mercy on us
Holy Trinity that you are one God ..

have mercy on us
O Maria, co-redeemer and mediator

pray for us
Jesus, King of glory, who makes your entrance

have mercy on us
Jerusalem to bring to completion the work of our redemption

have mercy on us
Jesus, prostrate before the Father in the garden of olives and oppressed by the crimes of the whole world

have mercy on us
Jesus, seized with fear, oppressed with sadness, reduced to agony, covered with a sweat of blood and abandoned by all

have mercy on us
Jesus, betrayed by one of your closest neighbors and sold at a low price as a slave

have mercy on us
Jesus, tied, beaten, outraged, dragged before Anna and Caiaphas, treatise de wicked and blasphemer

have mercy on us
Jesus led before Pilate accused of being an agitator a dangerous rebel

have mercy on us
Jesus, who appeared before Herod treated like a madman and dressed in derision of a royal purple cloak

have mercy on us
Jesus, cruelly struck by the 39 shots of the triple leaded Roman stirrup that stripped your body of more than 120 parts

have mercy on us
Jesus, crowned with thorns, covered with a purple cloak, outraged and mocked in different ways, finally exposed to the eyes of a whole people

have mercy on us
Jesus, confronted with a seditious criminal who was your favorite

have mercy on us
Jesus, condemned by Pilate and abandoned to the anger of your enemies

have mercy on us
Jesus, exhausted from suffering and on the way to the ordeal laden with the burden of the cross

have mercy on us
Jesus, stripped of your clothes, lying on the ground and stretched on the wood of the cross

have mercy on us
Jesus, nailed mercilessly on the wood of infamy and placed in the rank of the greatest sinners

have mercy on us
Jesus, full of sweetness for those who want to drink you wine mixed with gall

have mercy on us
Jesus, who pray to the Father and ask for forgiveness for your persecutors and executioners

have mercy on us
Jesus, that you show yourself obedient to the Father until death and put your spirit in his hands

have mercy on us
Jesus, that you bow your head and breathe in the ardor of your love for us

have mercy on us
Jesus, who died for us and who lets your heart open from the blow of a spear to better show us your mercy always offered

have mercy on us
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

forgive us, O Lord
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

hear us, Lord
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us.

O Jesus, who redeemed us by dying out of love on the cross, apply to us the merits of your holy passion and your death, and make it possible for these merits to obtain the extraordinary grace that we solicit from your mercy (name it here). We warmly ask you to ask also to take into consideration the pain and prayers of your holy Mother at the foot of the cross. Amen.