Lord, have mercy

Christ, have mercy

Lord, have mercy

Christ, listen to us

Christ, hear us

Heavenly Father, God, have mercy on us

Redeeming son of the world, God, have mercy on us

Holy Spirit, God, Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us

Santa Maria, pray for us

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us

St. Michael, Prince of the Seraphim, pray for us

St. Michael, ambassador of the Lord God of Israel, pray for us

Saint Michael, councilor of the Holy Trinity, pray for us

St. Michael, provost of Paradise, pray for us

San Michele, a very clear star of the Angelic order, pray for us

St. Michael, mediator of the divine graces, pray for us

St. Michael, sun shining with charity, pray for us

St. Michael, first model of humility, pray for us

St. Michael, example of meekness, pray for us

St. Michael, first flame of ardent zeal, pray for us

Saint Michael, worthy of admiration, pray for us

Saint Michael, worthy of veneration, pray for us

Saint Michael, worthy of praise, pray for us

St. Michael, minister of divine clemency, pray for us

Saint Michael, very strong leader, pray for us

St. Michael, dispenser of glory, pray for us

St. Michael, comforter of the disheartened, pray for us

St. Michael, Angel of peace, pray for us

St. Michael, comforter of souls, pray for us

St. Michael, guide of the wanderers, pray for us

St. Michael, support of those who hope, pray for us

St. Michael, keeper of those who have Faith, pray for us

St. Michael, protector of the Church, pray for us

St. Michael, generous dispenser, pray for us

St. Michael, refuge of the poor, pray for us

St. Michael, relief of the oppressed, pray for us

Saint Michael, winner of the demons, pray for us

St. Michael, our fortress, pray for us

San Michele, our refuge, pray for us

St. Michael, Duce of the Angels, pray for us

St. Michael, comfort of the Patriarchs, pray for us

St. Michael, light of the Prophets, pray for us

St. Michael, guide of the Apostles, pray for us

St. Michael, relief of the martyrs, pray for us

St. Michael, gladness of the confessors, pray for us

St. Michael, keeper of the virgins, pray for us

St. Michael, honor of all Saints, pray for us

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

LET US PRAY O Lord, may the mighty intercession of your Archangel Michael protect us always and everywhere; free us from all evil and lead us to eternal life.

For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us. Amen.