The most powerful work of God

And he didn't do many powerful actions there because of their lack of faith. Matthew 13:58

What are "powerful actions"? What did Jesus limit to do in his city for lack of faith? The first thing that comes to mind is obviously miracles. Most likely he did not do many healings, nor did he lift anyone from the dead, nor multiply the food in order to feed the multitude. But are powerful actions described?

The correct answer would be both "Yes" and "No." Yes, Jesus limited himself to performing miracles and it seems that he did very few of them in his hometown. But there were actions that Jesus did regularly that were much more "powerful" than physical miracles. What are those? They were the acts of transforming souls.

What does it matter, in the end, if Jesus does many miracles but souls are not converted? What's more "powerful" in terms of lasting and meaningful action? Certainly the transformation of souls is of the utmost importance!

But unfortunately not even the powerful actions of the transformation of souls, due to their lack of faith. People were clearly obstinate and not open to letting Jesus' words and presence penetrate their minds and hearts. For this reason, Jesus was unable to perform the most powerful actions of his hometown.

Reflect today on whether or not Jesus is performing powerful actions in your life. Are you letting it transform every day into a new creation? Are you letting him do great things in your life? If you hesitate to answer this question, it is a clear sign that God wants to do much more in your life.

Lord, I pray that my soul will be fertile ground for your most magnificent work. I pray that my soul will be transformed by you, by your words and by your presence in my life. Come into my heart and turn me into your masterpiece of grace. Jesus I believe in you