Lourdes: a nun suffering from liver cancer prays for a miracle and Our Lady grants her.

This is the story of the miracle of one's healing nun after a trip to Lourdes.


Until today there have been many thanks that the Madonna she bestowed on all those who turned to her heart in hand asking for help.

The story of the nun that we are going to tell you dates back to 1908. She has been ill for the past 15 years of a liver tumor, on May 20, 1901, something special happened. On that day everyone cried out for a miracle but sister Maximilian he went to the doctor to get an explanation only the next day.


She then said that her disease had progressed over the years and those who had visited her had now judged it incurable. Bedridden after phlebitis in her leg, the doctors and nuns were aware that there was no hope of recovery for her. Despite it all Maximilian he had decided to go to Lourdes and ask for grace from Our Lady.

The nun's miraculous healing

Upon her arrival, she was immediately taken to swimming pools and right from there he came out with his leg completely healed. But not only. Even the abdominal swelling had disappeared, a sign that the tumor had left his body. The healing was recognized in 1908 by Cardinal Andrieu.

Many faithful have claimed to have experienced miraculous healings after visiting Lourdes and drinking the spring water. Some of the miracles attributed to Our Lady of Lourdes include healing from diseases such as cancer, leprosy, tuberculosis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, blindness and many others.


Il first miracle officially recognized by the Catholic Church after the apparitions of Lourdes took place in 1858, when a woman who had been suffering from paralysis of her hands and feet for some time drank the water from the spring and immediately recovered. Since then, hundreds of miraculous healings have been recognized and studied and documented.