Lourdes: drink at the fountain of the cave, what Maria wants

At the fountains of the Sanctuary, fed with water from the Apparition Cave, respond to the invitation of the Virgin Mary: "Go and drink at the source".

The source that flows into the Grotto and which feeds the fountains of the Sanctuary was brought to light by Bernadette Soubirous, during the apparitions of 1858, on indications of the Virgin Mary. At the fountains you can drink this water, bathe your face, arms, legs ... As well as at the Grotto, it is not so much the gesture that counts, but the faith or the intention that animate it.

Did you know ? During the ninth apparition, "the Lady" asked Bernadette to go and dig the ground, at the bottom of the Grotto, saying: "Go drink and wash at the source". And here some muddy water began to flow, enough to allow Bernadette to drink it. This water gradually became transparent, pure, clear.

Our Lady of Lourdes who has never been invoked in vain, pray for us. Our Lady of Lourdes, if you want it, none of those who invoke you today will leave without having experienced the effect of your powerful intercession.

Purpose: To make a partial fast at noon or in the evening of today to repair their sins, and also according to the intentions of those who pray or will pray to Our Lady with this novena.

Our Lady of Lourdes, health of the sick, pray for us. Our Lady of Lourdes, Intercede for the healing of the sick that we recommend to you. Get them an increase in strength if not health.

Purpose: To wholeheartedly recite an act of consecration to Our Lady.

Our Lady of Lourdes who pray incessantly for sinners, pray for us. Our Lady of Lourdes who led Bernardette to holiness, give me that Christian enthusiasm that does not retreat before any effort to make peace and love between men more reigning.

Purpose: To visit a sick person or a single person.